March Meeting 2020 Preview

March Meeting is coming to Denver March 2-6 and FIAP is proud to present an extensive program built around Industry Day on Wednesday March 4th. Industrial and applied physicists generate enormous value by creating new ways of looking at the world, both literally and figuratively. From medical imaging to the insights of data science and paradigm shifts like the rise of autonomous vehicles, we stand on the leading edge of expanding frontiers. Come join us in exploring this year’s theme, “New Ways of Seeing.” Your executive committee has partnered with six other APS units to bring you ten sessions of invited talks:

  • Metrology of Medical Imaging – presented with GMED
  • Seeing Your Career in a New Light – presented with FECS
  • Infrared Sensing and Imaging – presented with GIMS
  • New Ways of Seeing with Data Science – presented with GDS
  • Seeing the Energy Future – presented with GERA
  • Imaging in Industry – featuring everything from subterranean visualization to private weather satellites
  • Fellows of FIAP – showcasing the work of our recently elected fellows
  • Physics of Foams: From Beer to Windmill Blades and Everything in Between presented with DPOLY
  • New Ways of Seeing with Electrons – an exploration of modern electron microscopy applications
  • Innovations from Industry featuring the Pake Prize and Distinguished Lectureship Award talks

FIAP will again present a world class program of career-oriented content like the annual Meet Your Future career panel and many opportunities to make new connections. We look forward to seeing you in Denver!

Industry Day 2020 banner