New FIAP Fellows

Husam N Alshareef
King Abdullah University of Science & Technology (KAUST)
Citation: For contributions to the development of semiconductor materials and processes for electronics and energy applications, including deployment in volume production.

James William Bray
GE Global Research
Citation: For outstanding contributions in applying superconductivity to MRI magnets and industrial scale generators/motors, and for management of these and other projects that have led to world-class products and leading-edge technology innovations.

Hendrik F Hamann
IBM Thomas J Watson Research Center
Citation: For the innovative use of physics in information technology, information systems, and information use and management.

Matt Kim
Citation: For the entrepreneurial development of compound semiconductor heterojunction transistor devices.

Raymond Jeffrey Phaneuf
University of Maryland
Citation: For development of novel industrial applications of thin film techniques including coatings for the protection of cultural heritage objects against corrosion and directed-assembly of nanostructures on semiconductor surfaces.

Leanne C Pitchford
Paul Sabatier University
Citation: For outstanding service to the industrial and applied physics communities in the area of low-temperature plasma modeling through the development of new approaches for solution of the electron gas Boltzmann equation, modeling software, evaluated data sets, and open-access websites.

Xin Zhang
Boston University
Citation: For research and education using microelectromechanical systems and metamaterials to address a wide range of important problems in areas ranging from energy to healthcare to homeland security.