FIAP at the March Meeting

Industry Day

In addition to the contributed sessions in the various sorting categories, FIAP will also sponsor or cosponsor nine invited sessions at the March Meeting 2019. These sessions include topics ranging from the latest scientific research to discussion of careers in physics outside of academia. These sessions are a highlight of FIAP’s technical contribution at the meeting, and will complement other FIAP-sponsored activities, including careers events that happen throughout the week. Also, this year, most FIAP sessions will be in adjacent rooms for session ‘33’ and ‘34’

In fitting with FIAP’s broad scope, the sessions have a wide variety of topics with the theme “Physics for Tomorrow”. They will run continuously from Tuesday morning through Thursday afternoon. The sessions begin on Tuesday morning with “Radiation Detection and Monitoring in Medical Imaging and Therapy” (co-sponsored with GMED- the Topical Group on Medical Physics), moves on to “Polymer Physics to Address the Dual Energy Challenge at Global Industrial Scale” (co-sponsored with GSOFT- the Topical Group on Soft Matter), and finish the day with a retrospective on “Five Decades of Physics at ExxonMobil Corporate Strategic Research”. The Wednesday sessions change focus toward “Future and Evolving Careers of Physicists” (co-sponsored with FECS- the Forum for Early Career Scientist), keep the “Future” theme with “Future of Transportation” (chaired by FIAP Vice-Chair Mike Gordon), and round out the day with “Recent Advances on Spintronics-based Computing: from Deterministic to Probabilistic”. Finally, on Thursday, FIAP picks up an entrepreneurial theme, starting with “Live Long and Prosper as Physicist, Innovator, and Entrepreneur” (co-sponsored with FEd-the Forum on Education) then “Entrepreneurial Physics” (chaired by FIAP Chair Matt Kim), and finishes the week with “Innovations from Industry” (chaired by APS Industrial Physics Program Manager Steven Lambert).

Anchoring these events is “Industry Day”, which happens every March Meeting on Wednesday, and concludes with the FIAP Business Meeting and recognition of new FIAP Fellows. More information on Industry can be found at the Industry Day website and for your convenience, we have assembled a brochure with all of the FIAP-sponsored sessions along with other information on Industry Day and FIAP, available in print at the meeting or via download.

FIAP is looking forward seeing everyone in Boston. Please attend our series of exciting invited talks at the March Meeting.