FIAP Chair’s Thoughts

FIAP has now been around for 25 years! I appreciate Dr. Charlie Duke's input that we should recognize the auspicious beginnings of FIAP and I appreciate my discussion with Dr. Judy Franz and her thoughts for this newsletter about why FIAP was formed. If one looks at the FIAP newsletter of 1995 where Dr. Duke (2006 recipient of the FIAP George E. Pake prize) was quoted of saying "FIAP must satisfy its customers: the members." is exactly right on. You see our customers are the students, the industrial scientists, and all those who are lost at the March Meeting. It is with this intent that we strive at the March meeting to find the needs of our customers. Please reach out to us if we can be of service to you. It is this direct dialogue with the students that we receive at the "Lunch with Experts"; it is the direct dialogue with our industrial and applied physicists who attend "Industry Day"; it is the direct dialogue with our members who attend the business meeting on Wednesday at 5:30 or any of our events, that allows us to set the agenda for the following year and years to come. I hope to see you in Boston and take time to give us input and maybe join for a cup of coffee for some thoughtful discussions! I look forward to meeting our members and to satisfying their needs.

Thank you.