Talking to Students about Industrial Careers

By John Rumble

One of the most rewarding projects that FIAP participates in (with the APS Careers Program) is talking to students at national and Sectional APS meetings about careers in the private sector, especially in industry. Here is a great chance for FIAP members to share their experiences and knowledge about careers in industry with a receptive audience. We usually hold these sessions at lunch time (lunch sponsored by FIAP), allowing plenty of time for questions and answers. For most of the students, this is their first exposure to a possible industrial career, and they love the opportunity to learn more about this path. In recent years we have had sessions at the Texas, Southeastern, Mid­Atlantic, and Four Corners. Help us reach out to Sections near you. If you are interested, please contact Matt Kim (, Steven Lambert ( or Crystal Bailey ( It's fun, it's rewarding, and it's useful.

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