FIAP Industry Day Theme: Physics at Work for You

APS March Meeting 2017 (March 13 - 17) New Orleans
Invited Sessions

Industry Day is Wednesday March 15, but FIAP will sponsor additional satellite sessions.

Industry Day: Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Gray arrow Download Brochure (with Industry Day schedule) format_pdf

8:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
Session K29, Room 292

FIAP-DBio: "Physics Leading the Frontier of Genomics and Applications"
FIAP Chair: Cha-Mei Tang, Creatv Microtech
DBIO Co-Chair: Dr. Binquan Luan, IBM T J Watson Research Center

Talk 1: Massimiliano Di Ventra, UCSD, San Diego, CA, "Quantum Sequencing Opportunities and Challenges"
Talk 2: Sean Ling, Brown University, "Nanopore kinetic proof reading of DNA sequence"
Talk 3: Tapio Ala-Nissila, Alto University, Finland, "Iso-Flux Tension Propagation Theory and It's Application to Driven    Polymer Translocation"
Talk 4: Gang Bao, Rice University, "Precision Genome Editing for Treating Single-gene Disorders"
Talk 5: Meni Wanunu, Northeastern University, "Influence of pore charge, pressure, and electric field on protein transport through nanopores"

11:15 a.m. – 2:15 p.m.
Session L29, Room 292

FIAP Plenary: "Physics That Changed the World"
Chair: Eli Yablonovitch, UC Berkeley

Talk 1: Steven Denbaars, UCSB, "Energy Efficient GaN Lighting"
Talk 2: Jim Wynne, IBM, "LASER Refractive Surgery"
Talk 3: Paul Bottomley, Johns Hopkins, "Magnetic Resonance Medical Imaging (MRI) from the Inside"
Talk 4: Mildred Dresselhaus, MIT, "Carbon Intercalation Science and Battery Applications"
Talk 5: Steven Chu, Stanford University, "GPS and Precision Time-Keeping"

2:30 p.m. –  5:30 p.m.
Session P29, Room 292

FIAP: "Lab to Product, the Marketplace"
Chair: Joe Mantese, UTRC

Talk 1: John Murphy, UTRC, Strategic Business Development at United Technologies Research Center
Talk 2: William McGann, Implant Sciences,
Talk 3: Carlos Araujo, "Physics, Materials, Devices and Chips - A Lab to Product Quest"
Talk 4: John Dallasasse, UofI "The Oxide-Confined Vertical-Cavity Surface-Emitting Laser: From Dust to Light"
Talk 5: John Tolle, ASM

5:30 p.m. –  6:30 p.m.
FIAP Business Meeting, Room 292

Recognition of prize winners including new APS Fellows and:
Prize for Industrial Applications of Physics, Asad Khan, Kent Displays
George E. Pake Prize, Tze-Chiang Chen, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center
Distinguished Lectureship Award on the Applications of Physics, Rudolf M. Tromp, IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center

Satellite Sessions: Tuesday, March 14, 2017

11:15 a.m. – 2:15 p.m.
Session F29, Room 292

APS-AIP FIAP Industrial Physics Forum, "Physics in the Industrial World"
Chair: Steven Lambert, APS
Talk 1: Jim McBride, Ford, "Sensing Challenges for Fully Autonomous Vehicles"
Talk 2: Matthias Steffen, IBM, "Quantum Computing"
Talk 3: Clark Dever, Heads Up Display, Inc., New York, "Virtual reality"
Talk 4: Sameer Pendharkar, Texas Instruments, "High power electronics"
Talk 5: Brian Wilfley, Triple Ring Tech, "A Physicists Journey in Silicon Valley"

12:30 p.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Lunch with the Experts, Hall I-1

Sign-up will open Sunday, March 12 at 3:00 p.m., near the APS Registration Desk in Hall I-2.
Registration will be on a first-come, first-served basis.
Lunch with Experts: FIAP Experts
Cha-Mei Tang, CreatvMicrotech "From theoretical physics to commercialization of medical device"
Ichiro Takeuchi, University of Maryland, "Academia and entrepreneurship"
Joe Mantese, United Technologies Research Center, "Marketing your ideas in a corporate environment"
Larry Nagahara, Johns Hopkins University, "Lessons Learned in Coming Full Circle:  Life in Academia, Industry, & Government"
John Rumble, R&R Data Services, "From Physics to Big Data: It’s shorter than you think!"
Barbara Jones, IBM, "Life for a Theorist working for Industry; experiences at IBM"
Michael Gordon, IBM, "Materials analysis at IBM Research using a particle accelerator"
Matt Kim, QuantTera, "Start-ups: Where the action is!"

5:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.
APS-FIAP-AIP Opening Reception, 3rd Floor Atrium (outside room 383)

Satellite Sessions: Thursday, March 16, 2017

8:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
Session R29, Room 292

FIAP-DCOMP: "Industrial Advances in Computation"
FIAP Chair: Larry Nagahara, Johns Hopkins
Talk 1: Alexander Demkov, Univ of Texas, Austin, "Modeling for integrated oxide electronics and photonics"
Talk 2: Marco Nardelli, University of North Texas, "High-throughput materials discovery and development: breakthroughs and challenges in the mapping of the materials genome"
Talk 3: Jorg Neugebauer, Max-Planck-Institut für Eisenforschun, "Ab initio guided design of structural materials with superior mechanical properties"
Talk 4: Patrick Fay, University of Notre Dame, Novel Heterostructure Devices for Ultra-Scaled Logic"
Talk 5: Justin Weber, Intel, "Electronic structure calculations for industrial technology development"

11:15 a.m. – 2:15 p.m.
Session S29, Room 292

FIAP: "Entrepreneurs: Building the Company"
Chair: Ichiro Takeuchi, University of Maryland
Talk 1: T. Venky Venkatesan, National University of Singapore, "Different Roads to Academic Entrepreneurship"
Talk 2: Cha-Mei Tang, Creatv MicroTech, "From Theoretical Physics to Cancer Diagnostics"
Talk 3: Maximilian Biberger, SDCmaterials,  "Starting Up a Company in a Mature Market: Wise or Foolish?"
Talk 4: Scott Rickert, PEN inc, "Keys to Taking Your Nanotech Inventions to the Market"
Talk 5: Stefan Murry, Applied Optoelectronics, "Applying Scientific Skills to the Business World"

2:30 p.m. – 5:30 p.m.
Session V29, Room 292

FIAP: Entrepreneurial Panel Discussion and Prize Session
Chair: Matt Kim, QuantTera
Talk 1: Entrepreneurial Panel Part 1: Panelists from Entrepreneurial session
Talk 2: Entrepreneurial Panel Part 2: Panelists from Entrepreneurial session
Talk 3: George E. Pake Prize Lecture: Tze-Chiang Chen, For expert leadership in semiconductor technology development and deployment, as well as basic science stewardship.
Talk 4: Distinguished Lectureship Award on the Applications of Physics: Rudolf M. Tromp, For extensive and significant contributions to the field of surface physics.
Talk 5: Prize for Industrial Applications of Physics: Asad Khan, For novel contributions to the physics of bistable, reflective cholesteric liquid crystals, and the commercial applications of  pressure-sensitive liquid crystal displays, including switchable windows, and eWriters.

5:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.
FIAP-FECS Closing Reception, 3rd Floor Atrium (outside room 383)

Additional Sessions Co-sponsored by FIAP

Monday, March 13, 2017

8:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
Session A21, Room 281-282

DPOLY-FIAP: "Polymer Physics - From Academia to Industry and Back"
Chair: Rohan Hule, ExxonMobil, Co-Chair: Megan Robertson, Univ. Houston
Talk 1: Norman Wagner, UofDelaware, "Engineering Field-Responsive Soft Materials for Protecting First Responders, Athletes and Astronauts",
Talk 2: Pat Brant, Exxon Mobil, "Comb Block Polyolefins"
Talk 3: Rufina Alamo, FSU, "Understanding Melt-Memory of Commercial Polyolefins"
Talk 4: Jeffery Meth, Dupont, " Applications of Polymer Nanocomposites"
Talk 5: Ulrich Weisner, Cornell University, "Block copolymer self-assembly derived ultrafiltration membranes: From science to start-up"

12:00 p.m. - 2:15 p.m.
Industrial Careers Panel Discussion, New Orleans Marriott Balcony IJK
(Note this is in the conference hotel, 25 min walk!)

Meet Your Future: An Interactive Panel on Industry Careers (Pizza Lunch)
Chair: Steven Lambert, APS
The APS Forum on Industrial and Applied Physics (FIAP) will host a special lunchtime session in which representatives from industry will briefly describe their career path and then answer questions about physics careers in the private sector. Topics will include research opportunities for physicists in industry, strategies for successfully pursuing industrial jobs, and advice on how to thrive in this exciting and challenging work environment. Pizza will be served.

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

2:30 p.m. – 5:30 p.m.
Session H29, Room 292

FIAP-GIMS: "Role of Measurements and Instrumentation in Advancing Industry and Applied Physics."
FIAP Co-Chair: Dave Seiler, NIST, GIMS Co-Chair: Angie Hight-Walker, NIST
Talk 1:  Kent Rochford, NIST, "With Great Measurements Comes Great Results"
Talk 2: James N. Hollenhorst, Agilent Technologies, "New Measurement Technologies Enable the Revolution in Life Sciences"
Talk 3: Fred E. Pinkerton, General Motors, "Enabling Automotive Innovation: Tales from a Physicist in Industry"
Talk 4: Luigi Colombo, Texas Instruments, "Semiconductor Characterization: from Growth to Manufacturing"
Talk 5: Thomas Tiwald, J.A. Woollam, "Look but don't touch: Spectroscopic ellipsometry advances materials research and process monitoring"