Seeking Help with Garwin Biography

A number of physicists, who have worked for years in the intersection of physics and national security, are gathering support for a biography of Richard Garwin, the major figure of the early atomic age, who is still very active in providing the government with technical advice and analysis related to defense and defense policy. Dr. Garwin has had an incredibly eclectic career contributing advances in many areas of physics and applied mathematics, lasting well over half a century. Many, but not all of these were had important defense and intelligence applications. Beyond a mere list of diverse and major contributions, his career could alternatively and interestingly be interpreted as a paradigm and metaphor for the efforts of leading scientists — indeed of the scientific community — to influence government policy in their areas of expertise since World War II. For example, Dr. Garwin is famous for, among many other contributions, leading the design of the world’s first thermonuclear device, and later becoming a leading advocate for test ban treaties and stockpile reductions. A prospective author has been identified, and the project is proceeding. Comments and support are welcome; please send to Tony Fainberg, or

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