Coming in 2025: The Quantum Century

In 2018 members of FHP leadership met with APS staff and representatives of other APS units to discuss the development of a global celebration and public outreach event to mark 100 years of quantum mechanics in the year 2025 entitled “The Quantum Century.” The title is meant to reflect not only the potential of this celebration to highlight the theoretical, experimental, technological, and cultural impact of quantum mechanics over the past 100 years, but also the potential for the next 100 years of science and technology to be dominated by quantum-themed developments. Since the initial meeting, the FHP has gradually built up an international network of over 50 volunteers from over 20 countries with expertise in history of science, outreach, and international coordination to begin long-term planning of the Project. After a presentation of an outline of the Project to the APS Council in November, more than ¾ of the Councilors polled rated the Project a “high” or “critically high” priority for their respective APS units. One of the main tasks that the Quantum Century Working Group will pursuing in 2021 will be laying the groundwork for the United Nations to designate 2025 the “International Year of Quantum Mechanics” as has been done previously for other years such as the 2005 “International Year of Physics” and the 2015 “International Year of Light and Light-based Technologies.” FHP members with diplomatic connections interested in volunteering to help with this aspect of the project can contact Quantum Century Working Group Chair, and FHP Past-Chair, Paul Cadden-Zimansky at