Upcoming FHP-Sponsored Sessions

March Meeting 2011
March 21-25, 2011
Dallas, Texas

http://www.aps.org/meetings/march/index.cfm for March meeting details

The History of Superconductivity from its Discovery by Kamerlingh Onnes in 1911
Monday, March 21, 11:15 – 14:15
Chair: Martin Blume

Dirk van Delft, Leiden University, Netherlands: “Heike Kamerlingh Onnes and the Road to Superconductivity”

Brian Schwartz, CUNY-Graduate Center: “The Meissner Effect in the History of Superconductivity”

Leon Cooper, Brown University: “BCS: Fifty Years” (Talk recorded at Brown University on December 10, 2010)

John Rowell, Arizona State University: “Giaever, Nb3Sn, and Josephson”

Paul C. W. Chu, University of Houston: “The Arrival of High Temperature Superconductors”

J. H. Van Vleck: Quantum Theory and Magnetism
Tuesday, March 22, 14:30 – 17:30,
Chair: Chun Lin

Michel Janssen, University of Minnesota-Minneapolis: “Van Vleck from Spectroscopy to Susceptibilities: Kuhn Losses Regained”

David Huber, University of Wisconsin- Madison: “Van Vleck at Wisconsin: 1928–1934“

Nicolaas Bloembergen, University of Arizona: “My interactions with J. H. Van Vleck as a Student and Colleague at Harvard”

Charles Slichter, University of Illinois- Urbana: “Van Vleck and Magnetic Resonance"

Horst Meyer, Duke University: “Van Vleck and the Magnetic Susceptibilities of Gaseous Molecules”

Migrations of Physicists (Jointly Sponsored by the Forum on International Physics)
Thursday, March 24, 14:30-17:30,
Chair: Noemie Koller

Katepalli Sreenivasan, New York University, & Past Director, ICTP, Trieste: “Migrations and the International Center for Theoretical Physics—A Personal and Professional View”

Alan Beyerchen, Ohio State University: “Physicists’ Forced Migrations under Hitler”

Dieter Hoffmann, Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Berlin: “Scientific Migration in Central Europe in the Context of the Cold War”

Alexei Kojevnikov, University of British Columbia, Vancouver: “Russian, Soviet, and Post-Soviet Scientific Migration: History and Patterns”

Zuoyue Wang, California State Polytechnic University-Pomona: “Chinese/American Physicists: a Trans-National History”

April Meeting 2011
April 30-May 3, 2011

Anaheim, California
http://www.aps.org/meetings/april/index.cfm for April meeting details

Solvay at 100 (jointly with the Division of Particles and Fields)
Saturday, April 30, 10:45–12:30
Chair: Daniel Kleppner

Richard Staley, University of Wisconsin: “Solvay 1911”

Antony Valentini, Perimeter Institute: “Solvay 1927”

Sylvan Schweber, Brandeis and Harvard, Pais Prize Lecture: “Shelter Island, Pocono, Oldstone, 1947–49, Revisited”

Centennial of the Nuclear Atom
Saturday, April 30, 13:30–15:18
Chair: TBD

John Heilbron, UC Berkeley: “The Rutherford Model and the Group at Manchester that Developed It”

Suman Seth, Cornell: “Atomic Models, Sommerfeld, and Heisenberg”

Jerome Friedman, MIT: “Looking Back at Rutherford: Scattering in Modern Physics”

Accelerators for Sub-Atomic Physics (jointly with Division of Physics of Beams)
Saturday, April 30, 15:30–17:20
Chair: Gregory Loew

Michael Craddock, UBC/TRIUMF: “Cyclotrons: From Science to Human Health”

Thomas Wangler, LANL: “Linear Accelerators: from Radio Frequency to Microwave Superconductivity”

Lyndon Evans, CERN: “Proton-Anti- Proton Colliders”

Centennial of Superconductivity
Sunday, May 1, 2011, 13:30–15:20
Chair: Martin Blume

Peter Pesic, St. John’s College, Santa Fe: “Superconductivity: Anatomy of a Discovery”

David C. Larbalestier, National High Magnetic Field Laboratory and Florida State University: “Applications of Superconductivity”

Anthony Zee, Kavli Institute of Theoretical Physics, University of California at Santa Barbara: “Superconductivity Beyond Superconductors”

Working with Luis Alvarez (1911-1988)
Tuesday, May 3, 2011, 10:45–12:30
Chair: TBD

Richard Muller, UC Berkeley: “Working with Luie as a Graduate Student”

Arthur H. Rosenfeld, UC Berkeley: “Working with Luie on Bubble Chambers”

Moishe Pripstein, NSF: “Life after Luie”

Note Added: This article represents the views of the author, which are not necessarily those of the FHP or APS.