Forum Elections

The Nominating Committee of the Forum on History of Physics has chosen a slate of candidates for the 2010 elections, which are being held at the end of 2009 because the Forum's 2010 Regular Meeting comes so early – the APS "April" meeting is being held two months earlier in 2010, in February. The election will begin on November 15 and end on December 13.

You will be asked to vote for Forum Vice Chair and two at-large members of the Executive Committee. The person elected to be Vice Chair normally becomes the new Chair-Elect in 2011 and Chair of the Forum in 2012. The primary responsibilities of the Vice Chair and Chair-Elect are to decide upon timely topics for invited and contributed sessions at APS and divisional meetings, often in collaboration with other APS units, and to arrange these along with sessions of contributed papers. The incumbent Secretary-Treasurer was renominated to run unopposed.

In alphabetical order the candidates are:

Vice Chair:Peter Pesic, George Zimmerman.
Members at Large: Elizabeth Garber, Clayton Gearhart, Danian Hu, Daniel Kennefick.
Secretary-Treasurer: Thomas Miller.

The candidate's statements and resumes are available at Those elected will take office in February 2010.

If you have an email address registered with APS, you will receive a message inviting you to vote electronically. If you do not have such an address, you should receive a paper ballot by mail. If you want a paper ballot but have not yet received one, please either email your request to the Secretary-Treasurer, Tom Miller or contact him postally

Boston College Institute for Scientific Research
Air Force Research Laboratory/RVBXT,
Hanscom AFB, MA 01731-3010

or by telephone (781-377-5031). The closing date of the election is 13 December 2009. An additional week will be allowed for receipt of paper ballots.

Note Added: This article represents the views of the author, which are not necessarily those of the FHP or APS.