Request for Session Topic Ideas for Upcoming APS Meetings

Jerry Feldman, George Washington University

Each year the Chair-elect of the Forum on Education is also the chair of the FEd Program Committee. The Committee organizes invited sessions at the American Physical Society’s March and April meetings. The Forum is allocated a number of invited sessions at each meeting, a number that can be increased by co-sponsoring sessions with other units such as the Forum on Outreach and Engaging the Public (FOEP), the Topical Group on Physics Education Research (GPER), the Forum on Physics and Society (FPS), or one of the scientific Divisions such as the Division of Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics (DAMOP). The Program Committee works with the AAPT to sponsor two April meeting sessions and with GPER to sponsor one April meeting session; there is an additional April session on an education topic chosen by the Program Committee.

We are always looking for ideas for session topics (and potential invited speakers) that would be interesting and beneficial to the members of the American Physical Society whether or not they are members of FEd, since education in physics affects us all. If you have ideas that you think would make good invited session topics at one or the other of these two meetings, please send them to Jerry Feldman ( Any ideas submitted will be considered by the Program Committee this year, and if not implemented will be passed on to future program committees for their use.

FEd also sponsors contributed sessions at both these meetings at which are presented papers that are contributed in the Physics Education sorting categories. I invite you to consider contributing an education paper to one of these two meetings.

Disclaimer – The articles and opinion pieces found in this issue of the APS Forum on Education Newsletter are not peer refereed and represent solely the views of the authors and not necessarily the views of the APS.