Workshops on Active Learning with Video Analysis

Robert Teese

Students find active learning with video capture and analysis both educational and compelling. Current video analysis tools are powerful as well as educationally effective for advanced physics majors as well as introductory physics students.

The LivePhoto Physics project is offering NSF-funded workshops for university and college faculty interested in using digital video analysis in student research, lectures, tutorials, homework assignments, and laboratories. These 3-day and 5-day workshops will cover capture and analysis techniques for a range of topic areas such as mechanics, thermal physics, wave propagation, electricity, magnetism, and optics. In addition, the literature on the impact of digital video analysis on student learning will be reviewed. A collection of video-based curricular materials and video clips will be provided to participants. Follow-up activities and on-line communication will allow participants to share videos, activities and ideas for teaching.

There will be no tuition or fees. Room and board for faculty and instructional staff from US institutions will be provided, and those with demonstrated need who teach under-represented students may apply for partial travel stipends. The workshop leaders are Bob Teese (Rochester Institute of Technology), Priscilla Laws (Dickinson College), Pat Cooney (Millersville University) and Maxine Willis (Dickinson College).

A five-day workshop will be held June 8-12, 2009 in Rochester, NY. Three-day workshops will be held July 22-24, 2009 in Ann Arbor, MI and January 5-7, 2010 in Orlando, FL. More information.

Robert Teese is in the Department of Physics at the Rochester Institute of Technology.

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