Forum on Education News

FEd Program Committee

If you have suggestions for topics for FEd sessions at the March or April 2009 meetings, please contact Peter Collings (, chair of the Program Committee, as soon as possible.

FEd Nominating Committee

If you would like to become a member of the FEd Nominating Committee, which nominates candidates for the FEd Executive Committee or would like to nominate someone to be a candidate for the FEd executive committee, please contact Ernest Malamud, chair of the Nominating Committee, at

FEd Fellowships

Each year the Forum on Education nominates APS members for Fellowship.

If you have a colleague who has in their career made substantive developments in Physics Education (undergraduate, graduate, K-12, informal science education, mentoring, education policy, textbooks, etc.) please consider nominating her or him for Fellowship.

The Fellowship website, with information and instructions, is

The next deadline for Fellowship nominations will be in late March or early April, 2009.

The members of the 2008 FEd Fellowship committee are:

  • Paula Heron, University of Washington
  • Luz Martinez-Miranda, University of Maryland
  • Bruce Sherwood, North Carolina State University
  • Howard Matis, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory
  • David Haase, North Carolina State University (chair)