From the Editor

Richard Steinberg, City College of New York

This issue marks the last as my term as editor of the Forum on Education Newsletter. I am grateful to have had the opportunity to learn from so many people doing so many wonderful things to forward the goal of improving physics education. I am thankful to the many people who have supported my role as editor including article authors, FEd committee members, Teacher Preparation Section Editor Alma Robinson, and Browsing the Journals and Web Watch author Carl Mungan.

I have enjoyed presenting diverse themes and articles that speak to the myriad of topics important to the big picture view of physics education. For this issue, I have taken the opportunity to invite contributions from some of those who I had not yet invited to contribute but who have been so successful in improving physics education in different ways. My goal is to have articles in which forum members may be inspired and/or informed on how to take specific action. Topics include influencing policy, supporting teachers, and transforming undergraduate education. These articles document the great impact that many members have had and all can have through lobbying, Modeling, using the FCI, implementing the Learning Assistant model, and much more.

Disclaimer – The articles and opinion pieces found in this issue of the APS Forum on Education Newsletter are not peer refereed and represent solely the views of the authors and not necessarily the views of the APS.