FEd Invited Sessions at the APS March and April 2015 Meetings

Randy Knight, California Polytechnic State University

Sponsoring invited sessions on physics education at the March and April Meetings is perhaps the Forum’s most visible activity. It’s an opportunity to reach out to the larger physics community. We have some very interesting sessions lined up for this year’s meetings, so please show your support by attending if you plan to be in San Antonio or Baltimore.

APS March 2015 Meeting in San Antonio

Inspirational Teaching of Physics and the History of Physics
Monday, March 2 at 11:15
Co-sponsored by the Forum on the History of Physics
  • The use of theater and the performing arts in science education and the teaching of history, Brian Schwartz, City University of New York
  • Bruno, Galileo, Einstein: The value of myths in physics, Alberto Martinez, University of Texas
  • Teaching physics to future presidents, Bob Jacobson, UC Berkeley
  • Composing science: Integrating scientific inquiry and writing instruction, Leslie Atkins, California State University, Chico
  • How Things Work: Teaching physics in the context of everyday objects, Louis Bloomfield, University of Virginia
NSF-Funded Physics Education: Celebrating Accomplishments and Looking Forward
A session to honor Duncan McBride upon his retirement from NSF
Tuesday, March 3 at 11:15
  • NSF support for physics at the undergraduate level: A view from inside, Duncan McBride, NSF (retired)
  • NSF-funded physics education research at the University of Washington, Paula Heron, University of Washington
  • The Maryland PERG: Two decades of learning how students learn, Edward (Joe) Redish, University of Maryland
  • Compounding intellectual merit and broader impacts: NSF, physics education and beyond, Gary White, AAPT
  • SCALE-UP: Active learning for large classes, Robert Beichner, North Carolina State University
Undergraduate Teaching at the Intersection of Physics and Biology
Co-sponsored by the Division of Biological Physics
Wednesday, March 4 at 8:00
  • What physics do biophysicists need to know?, Jonathon Howard, Yale University
  • Hands-on activities for stochastic dynamics and entropy, Mark Reeves, George Washington University
  • Rethinking physics for biologists: A design-based research approach, Vashti Sawtelle, University of Maryland
Reichert-Award Session: Re-imagining the Advanced Lab
Wednesday, March 4 at 11:15
  • Preparing physics students in an era of virtual reality, Carl Akerlof and Ramon Torres-Isea, University of Michigan
  • A hands-on introduction to quantum mechanics, David Jackson, Dickinson College
  • Preparing students for experimental research through instructional labs, Heather Lewandowski, University of Colorado
  • Autonomy, David Van Baack, Calvin College
  • Investigating student learning in upper-division laboratory courses on analog electronics, MacKenzie Stetzer, University of Maine
Growing the Physics Major
Thursday, March 5 at 2:30
  • Physics majors in the US: trends and implications, Ted Hodapp, APS
  • Strengthening the physics program at Brigham Young University - what have we learned?, Scott Sommerfeldt, Brigham Young University
  • Losing and saving and losing physics in Texas, Michael Marder, University of Texas
  • Morehouse physics and the Dual Degree Engineering Program: We C.A.R.E. Approach, Willie Rockward, Morehouse College
  • How to double the number of undergraduate physics majors, Sacha Kopp, Stony Brook University

APS April 2015 Meeting in Baltimore

Excellence in Physics Education Award Session
Saturday, April 11 at 1:30
  • Student resources for learning physics, David Hammer, Tufts University
  • Why instructors other than Joe Redish should care about epistemological framing, Andrew Elby, University of Maryland
  • Learning to listen: Implications for interdisciplinary instruction, Edward (Joe) Redish, University of Maryland
Moving Astronomy Education Research Results into Teaching
Sunday, April 12 at 8:30
  • Impacting society through introductory astronomy courses, Sharon Schleigh, University of Wyoming
  • ASTRO 101 labs and the invasion of the cognitive scientists, Stephanie Slater, University of Wyoming
  • An new international agenda for astronomy education research, Paulo Bretones, University Federal de São Carlos, Brazil
STEM Education: What’s Happening and How to Influence It
Sunday, April 12 at 1:30
  • A disciplinary perspective on educational policy, Noah Finkelstein, University of Colorado
  • STEM Education Policy: Active engagement by APS, Tyler Glembo, APS
  • The faculty role in advocacy: What, why, and how, Scott Franklin, Rochester Institute of Technology
Research-Based Instruction in Quantum Mechanics
Co-sponsored by AAPT
Monday, April 13 at 10:45
  • Improving student understanding of quantum mechanics, Chandralekha Singh, University of Pittsburgh
  • QuVis interactive simulations: Tools to support quantum mechanics instruction, Antje Kohnle, University of St. Andrews, Scotland
  • A case study of teaching quantum mechanics using research publications, Manjula Sharma, University of Sydney, Australia
What You Need to Know about the New AP Physics 1 and 2
Co-sponsored by AAPT
Tuesday, April 14 at 10:45
  • AP Physics 1 and 2: Some things old and some things new, Robert Morse, St. Albans School
  • The new AP Physics exams: Integrating qualitative and quantitative reasoning, Andrew Elby, University of Maryland
  • Bringing together best practices and best acceptance with real resources: AP Physics 1 and 2, Gay Stewart, West Virginia University

Disclaimer – The articles and opinion pieces found in this issue of the APS Forum on Education Newsletter are not peer refereed and represent solely the views of the authors and not necessarily the views of the APS.