New APS Fellows Nominated from the Forum on Education

This year there are four new APS fellows, as nominated from the FEd. Their “citations” are below.

Paul J. Dolan, Jr., Northeastern Illinois University
Citation: For contributions to education in physics, including the physics of granular materials; and especially for leadership and service to organizations involved in physics education.

Randall D. Knight, Cal Poly
Citation: For the improvement of instruction in introductory physics by the writing of textbooks, student workbooks, and instructor guides that are grounded in physics education research.

Gabriel C. Spalding, Illinois Wesleyan University
Citation: For his work to create a community of physics educators focused on physics laboratory instruction beyond the first year; for creative efforts that have made photon-quantum mechanics affordable and accessible in the undergraduate laboratory; for curricular innovations that enhance the role of laboratory in undergraduate physics education.

Stamatis Vokos, Seattle Pacific University
Citation: For using physics education research to help improve the learning of physics in Washington State, for leading the multi-year efforts of the Task Force on Teacher Education in Physics, and for serving as a nexus of multiple productive collaborations.

Disclaimer – The articles and opinion pieces found in this issue of the APS Forum on Education Newsletter are not peer refereed and represent solely the views of the authors and not necessarily the views of the APS.