FEd Session Schedule at APS March 2013 and April 2013 Meetings

Forum on Education Invited and Focus Sessions – March 2013 Meeting

Teaching Physics and Other STEM Subjects in an Urban Environment (B9, Monday, 8:00 am, Chair - Mel Sabella, Chicago State University)

Away from the ivory tower: Real challenges teaching high school physics in an urban environment
RICHARD STEINBERG, City College of New York

Universities Reaching Outwards: Science Education Partnerships with Urban School Systems
CODY SANDIFER, Towson University

Meeting Urban Science Students Where They Are: Perspectives from Two Physics Teachers and Four Schools
ROSALIND ECHOLS, The Science Leadership Academy, Philadelphia PA

Engineering Education in K-12 Schools
ANNE SPENCE, UMBC Mechanical Engineering

Preparing teachers for ambitious and culturally responsive science teaching
GALE SEILER, McGill University

Broadening Participation in Physics and Other STEM Fields (G9, Tuesday, 11:15 am, Chair - Paul Cottle, Florida State University)

Broadening participation in Natural Sciences and Mathematics at the University of Maryland Baltimore County
PHILIP ROUS, University of Maryland Baltimore County

APS Initiatives for Broadening Participation
THEODORE HODAPP, American Physical Society

Drawing minority students into the physics community
PAUL GUEYE, Hampton University/National Society of Black Physicists

Drawing Women In: Engaging in Science and Engineering Disciplines
SENTA GREENE, Vanderbilt University

How Undergraduate Women Choose STEM Careers
ROXANNE HUGHES, National High Magnetic Field Laboratory

Landmark Reports in Education (N11, Wednesday, 11:15 am, Chair - Daniel Crowe, Loudon County Public Schools Academy of Science)

Linking National and International Educational Assessments: NAEP and TIMSS
TASLIMA RAHMAN, U.S. Department of Education

Linking NAEP to TIMSS Using Statistical Moderation
GARY PHILLIPS, American Institutes for Research

The NRC Study of Undergraduate Physics Education: The role, status and outlook for physics education research
PAULA HERON, University of Washington

A Future for Undergraduate Physics Education?

Disciplined Based Educational Research – What is it? What has it done? Where is it going?
KENNETH HELLER, School of Physics & Astronomy, University of Minnesota

Integration of Research and Teaching Excellence: Cottrell Scholars (Z3, Friday 11:15 am, Chair - Richard Wiener, Research Corporation)

Cottrell Scholars Collaborative – Integrating Research and Teaching
JAIRO SINOVA, Texas A&M University

Optics for Biophysics: An Interdisciplinary course in Optics for Physicists and Life Science Students
JENNIFER ROSS, University of Massachusetts Amherst

Stimulating Creativity by Integrating Research and Teaching Across the Academic Disciplines
RICHARD TAYLOR, University of Oregon

Integrated Concentration in Science (iCons): Undergraduate Education Through Interdisciplinary, Team-Based, Real-World Problem Solving1
MARK TUOMINEN, University of Massachusetts Amherst

Living the good life: pursuing excellence as a scientist and as a teacher1
ERICA CARLSON, Dept. of Physics, Purdue University

Focus Session: Building a Thriving Undergraduate Physics Program (B38, Monday, 11:15 am, Chair - Ted Hodapp, American Physical Society)

Keynote talk:  From Near Extinction to Academic Excellence: The University of Wisconsin-La Crosse Physics Program
GUBBI SUDHAKARAN, University of Wisconsin-La Crosse

Forum on Education Invited Sessions – April 2013 Meeting

Excellence in Physics Education Award Session: smartPhysics (C7, Saturday, 1:30 pm, Chair - Paul Cottle, Florida State University)

Excellence in Physics Education Award Talk: Initiating and Sustaining Reform in Introductory Physics Instruction: The Illinois Experience
GARY GLADDING, University of Illinois

Transforming the lecture experience at the University of Illinois
TIM STELZER, University of Illinois

Pedagogy meets Technology: Optimizing Labs in Large Enrollment Introductory Courses
MATS SELEN, University of Illinois

Transforming Teaching and Learning in Upper Division Physics (G7, Sunday, 8:30 am, Chair - Benjamin Zwickl, University of Colorado - Boulder)

Using a Research-based Approach to Transform Upper-division Laboratory Courses
HEATHER LEWANDOWSKI, University of Colorado / JILA

Using a Research-based Approach to Transform Upper-division Courses in Classical and Quantum Mechanics and E&M
STEVEN POLLOCK, University of Colorado, Boulder

Physics Education Research at the Upper Division at the University of Maine
JOHN THOMPSON, University of Maine

AAPT:  Learning Assistant Programs as Tools for Course Transformation and Recruitment of Future Physics Teachers (J7, Sunday, 1:30 pm, Chair - Monica Plisch, American Physical Society)

Learning Assistant Alliance for Promoting and Sustaining Transformation of Physics Education1
VALERIE OTERO, University of Colorado Boulder

Building an undergraduate physics program with Learning Assistants1
EDWARD PRICE, California State University San Marcos

Physics Undergraduate TA Programs in Research Universities: A Low-Cost Sustainable Model
ROBERT THORNE, Cornell University

AAPT:  Colorado State University’s Little Shop of Physics (Q7, Monday 10:45 am, Chair - Paul Williams, Austin (TX) Community College)

The Little Shop of Physics: Lessons from Informal Science Education for the College Classroom1
BRIAN JONES, Colorado State University

Educational Outreach by the High Energy Physics Community (Y7, Tuesday 1:30 pm, Chair - Thomas Jordan, University of Florida)

Particle Physics Outreach for Secondary Education

Impact of Outreach on Physics Enrollment in Idaho
STEVEN SHROPSHIRE, Idaho State University

MITCHELL WAYNE, University of Notre Dame

Disclaimer–The articles and opinion pieces found in this issue of the APS Forum on Education Newsletter are not peer refereed and represent solely the views of the authors and not necessarily the views of the APS.