ALPhA Immersions for Summer 2013

Speaking of excellence in Advanced Labs, with what lab experience do you need more help, or about which experiment would you like to learn more, from an expert.

In the summer of 2013, ALPhA (with support from NSF and AAPT) is offering a series of faculty development opportunities for instructors of laboratory courses for students beyond the first year of instruction. These ‘Immersions’ give faculty and instructional staff 2-3 days to learn, with expert colleagues on hand, a single new instructional physics experiment well enough to confidently teach it to students.

Faculty who teach ‘beyond the first year’ undergraduate laboratory courses should consider attendance at an Immersion this summer. The Immersion program has proven to be highly popular in past years, and we have been able to extend and expand the offerings with further NSF support. There is also financial support available for faculty from minority serving institutions.

For more information, please go to ALPhA’s Laboratory Immersions web page.

The 2013 Immersion locations and experiments are:

June 4-6 Harvey Mudd College (CA)
• Quantum Mechanics Experiments with Single Photons and Entangled Photons

June 17-19 Pacific University (OR)
• Teaching with the Magneto-Optical Trap

June 17-19 CSU - Chico (CA)
• Arduinos in the Advanced Lab

June 24-26 Miami University (OH)
• Quantized Conductance and the Arduino Platform for Advanced Labs
• Laser Induced Fluorescence in Iodine Molecules: Molecular Spectroscopy

June 26-28 Univ. of Florida (FL)
• Optical Trapping for Biological Physics
• Chaotic Pendulum

June 26-28 Bethel University (MN)
• Imaging Shock Waves in Compressible Flows
• External Cavity Diode Lasers & Spectroscopy
• Plasmonics and Surface-Enhanced Spectroscopy

July 22-24 Buffalo State (NY)
• Pulsed NMR for Protons and Fluorine
• Fourier Methods
• Noise Fundamentals
• Earth’s Field NMR

July 24-26 Univ. of Minnesota (MN)
• FPGA Exercises in the Advanced Lab

August 6-8 Colgate University (NY)
• Experiments on Photon Quantum Mechanics

August 7-9 Caltech (CA)
• Spectroscopy of Hydrogen-Like (Rb) Atoms
• Vacuum Techniques / Thin-Film Deposition
• Low-Noise Signal Detection with Lock-Ins
• Hanle Effect

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