FEd Session Schedule at APS March 2012 and April 2012 Meetings

FEd Session Times for March 2012 Meeting, Boston, MA

Monday 2/27/12, 8:00-11:15 "Research Collaboration Between Mentors and Undergraduate Students"

Monday 2/27/12, 8:00-11:15 "Teaching quantum information science at liberal arts colleges"

Monday 2/27/12, 11:15-2:30 "Astronomy’s Detectors and Physics Education"

Tuesday 2/28/12, 8:00-11:15 "Novel and Proven Methods of Communicating Science to the Public"

Tuesday 2/28/12, 11:15-2:30 "K-12 Science Education: Closing the gap with the leading nations"

Wednesday 2/29/12, 8:00-11:15 "Scientific Reasoning in a Physics Course"

Thursday 3/1/12, 8:00-11:15 "Entrepreneurship - the quest for start-up success based on research advances"

FEd Session Times for April 2012, Atlanta, GA

Saturday 3/31/12, 13:30-15:15 "Goals and Assessment of the Physics Graduate Program"

Saturday 3/31/12, 15:30-17:15 "Research in Cosmology Education"

Sunday 4/1/12, 8:30 – 10:15 "An Examination of Teacher-Student Collaboration in Improving Education Environments"

Sunday 4/1/12, 13:30-15:15 "Teaching and Learning Physics through ComPADRE"

Sunday 4/1/12, 15:30-17:15 "High School Physics Teachers: Supply and Demand"

Monday 4/2/12, 10:45-12:30 "The Role of Physics Departments in Preparing Instructors of Physics"

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