From the Chair

Chandralekha Singh

Chandralekha SinghNow that my term as the FEd chair is coming to an end, I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of the FEd executive committee members for their help. I am very grateful to Renee Diehl, the chair of the FEd program committee for the APS March and April meetings. The program committee that she chaired has organized excellent invited sessions sponsored or cosponsored by the FEd for the March and April meetings on graduate, undergraduate and K-12 education and outreach. I would like to thank Paul Cottle, the chair of the FEd nominating committee, and his team for coming up with an excellent slate of candidates for vice-chair and the two members-at-large. I would also like to thank Larry Woolf, the FEd past chair, who was also the chair of the fellowship committee for all his help and support this last year. The FEd secretary/treasurer Scott Franklin deserves a very special thanks for performing his duties extremely well, even though it was his first year on the task. I also sincerely thank Nic Rady (Summer 2011), Andrew Elby and Rachel Scherr (Fall 2011) and Paul Dolan (Spring 2012) for volunteering as Editors of the FEd newsletters. If you would like to edit a FEd newsletter, please contact me.

As I mentioned in the Fall newsletter, I encourage you to consider those who should be nominated for the APS Excellence in Physics Education Award. This award recognizes and honors a team or group of individuals (such as a collaboration), or an exceptional individual, who has exhibited a sustained commitment to excellence in physics education. More information about the award can be found on APS website. The deadline for nominations for this award is July 1. I also want to remind you of a new award by the APS Committee on Education (APS COE). This new COE Award for Improving Undergraduate Physics Education recognizes best practices in undergraduate physics education. More information about this award can be found on APS website. The deadline for nomination for this award is July 15 each year. In addition to the above awards, please consider nominating individuals who have made lasting contributions to physics education for APS Fellowship through the FEd. The deadline for APS FEd Fellowship nominations is April 1 each year. The individuals nominated must be FEd members. Each FEd nomination is evaluated by the FEd Fellowship committee.

The Editor for the next Summer newsletter is Nic Rady. Please consider writing an article for this newsletter and email it to Nic. Finally, if you have any suggestions related to FEd activities, please let me know.

Chandralekha Singh is a Professor in the Department of Physics and Astronomy at the University of Pittsburgh. She is Chair of the APS Forum on Education. She is also the Chair of the editorial board of the Physical Review Special Topics: Physics Education Research.

Disclaimer- The articles and opinion pieces found in this issue of the APS Forum on Education Newsletter are not peer refereed and represent solely the views of the authors and not necessarily the views of the APS.