APS Members Recognized by AAPT for Excellence in Physics Education

AAPT recognized physicists, Charles Holbrow (FEd), Brian Greene, and Kip Thorne with major awards during the 2012 Winter Meeting in Ontario, California. Holbrow was named as the 2012 Oersted Medal recipient, Greene was presented with the Richtmyer Memorial Lecture Award, and Thorne received the John David Jackson Excellence in Graduate Physics Education Award. All three awardees gave plenary talks in conjunction with the recognition. Designed to develop, improve, and promote best practices for physics education as part of the global need for qualified STEM teachers, AAPT meetings bring together an international cadre of emerging physics professionals, physics educators, physicists, policy makers, and industrial scientists who are dedicated to advancing the greater good through physics education. Learn more about the Winter Meeting and view the plenary talks.

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