APS Excellence in Physics Education Award

At the Washington, DC joint APS “April” Meeting/AAPT Winter Meeting, the APS Excellence in Physics Education Award will be presented to The Activity Based Physics Group: “For twenty-three years of national and international leadership in the design, testing, validation, and dissemination of research-based introductory physics curricula, computer tools and apparatus that engage students in active learning based on the observation and analysis of real phenomena.” There will be a special invited paper session at the Washington, DC meeting in recognition of this award.

Representing the group (below) is Priscilla Laws (left photo) of Dickinson College, David Sokoloff (center photo) of the University of Oregon, and Ronald K. Thornton (right photo) of Tufts University.

Priscilla Laws    David Sokoloff    Ronald K. Thornton

The following group members were also acknowledged: Patrick J. Cooney, Millersville University, Ret.; David P. Jackson, Dickinson College; E.F. Redish, University of Maryland; Robert Teese, Rochester Institute of Technology; Martin Baumberger, Chestnut Hill Academy; John Garrett, Science Education Consultant; Maxine Willis, Dickinson College; Karen Cummings, Southern Connecticut State University.

The Excellence in Physics Education Award was instituted through the efforts of members of the APS Forum on Education. This is the fourth time the award has been presented. The nomination and selection process for the Award is described at: http://www.aps.org/programs/honors/awards/education.cfm.

The deadline for submission of nominations for the 2011 prize is July 1, 2010.

Disclaimer - The articles and opinion pieces found in this issue of the APS Forum on Education Newsletter are not peer refereed and represent solely the views of the authors and not necessarily the views of APS.