Election of New FEd Officers and Members of the Executive Committee

We are pleased to announce the results of the recent election of FEd Officers and Executive Committee members. Chandralekah Singh of the University of Pittsburgh has been elected as Vice-Chair of the Forum. Laird Kramer of Florida International University was elected as APS Member-at-Large of the Executive Committee and Amber Stuver of Caltech/LIGO was elected as APS/AAPT Member-at-Large.

We thank all of the candidates for their willingness to stand for the election. They included Steve Turley of Brigham Young University, Keith Sturgess of the College of St. Rose, Brad Ambrose of Grand Valley State, Seyfollah Maleki of Union College and John Potts 3M (retired). The new officers will take their posts at the end of the FEd business meeting at the APS Denver meeting.

In January, Gay Stewart of the University of Arkansas began her term as the APS Councillor from the FEd. We thank Pete Zimmerman for his service in representing the FEd on the APS Council for the last four years. In June, Lila Adair, the Past President of the AAPT began her term as the AAPT Representative, replacing Harvey Leff.

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