2009 Excellence in Physics Education Award

At the Denver meeting the 2009 APS Excellence in Physics Education Award will be presented to David Maloney (left photo) of Indiana Purdue Fort Wayne, Tom O'Kuma (middle) of Lee College and Curtis

David Maloney (left photo) of Indiana Purdue Fort Wayne, Tom O'Kuma (middle) of Lee College and Curtis

Hieggelke (right) of Joliet Junior College. The Award is made "For leadership in introducing physicists in two-year colleges to new instructional methods, in developing new materials based on physics education research, and in fostering faculty networking, particularly in two-year colleges." There will be a special invited paper session at the Denver meeting in recognition of this Award.

The Excellence in Physics Education Award was instituted through the efforts of members of the APS Forum on Education. This is the third time the award has been presented. The nomination and selection process for the Award is described at http://www.aps.org/programs/honors/awards/education.cfm. The deadline for submission of nominations for the 2010 prize is July 1, 2009.

Disclaimer - The articles and opinion pieces found in this issue of the APS Forum on Education Newsletter are not peer refereed and represent solely the views of the authors and not necessarily the views of APS.