Election Process for the Executive Committee of the Forum on Education

Laurie McNeil, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill

The Forum on Education has assembled a slate of candidates for election to the Forum’s Executive Committee. The candidates for Vice Chair are Eric Brewe (Drexel University) and Gerald Feldman (George Washington Unversity). Whichever one is elected will serve as Chair-Elect, Chair, and Past Chair in subsequent years. The candidates for the Member-at-Large seat to replace Andrew Heckler (whose term ends in 2018) are Homeyra Sadaghiani (California State Polytechnic University – Pomona) and MacKenzie Stetzer (University of Maine). The candidates for the APS-AAPT Member-at-Large seat currently held by Geraldine Cochrane are Eleanor Close (Texas State University – San Marcos) and Mary Bridget Kustusch (DePaul University). The elected Members-at-Large will take office in April 2018 and will serve a three-year term.

To produce this slate, a Nominating Committee (chaired by Laurie McNeil, Forum Vice Chair) comprising Janelle Bailey (Temple Univ.), Andrew Heckler (Ohio State Univ.), Laird Kramer (Florida International Univ.), Beth Lindsey (Penn. State Univ.), Ramon Lopez (Univ. of Texas – Arlington), David Meltzer (Arizona State Univ.), and Monica Plisch (APS) was appointed in May 2017. Each member of the committee was provided with a list of all Forum members (one-third of the list going to each committee member) and asked to propose potential candidates; the process produced at least forty names for each position. (Nominations in response to the call issued in the Summer 2017 Forum newsletter would have been added at this stage, but none were received.) The committee as a whole then selected at least eight top choices for each position and rank-ordered them, keeping in mind diversity of demographics, institution type, career stage, and focus of educational interests. In August the Vice Chair contacted (in order) the persons named to identify those willing to stand for election, completing the slate by early September. The ballots for the election will be available on 19 October 2017 and voting will close on 11 November. The results of the election will be announced by 15 November.

Disclaimer – The articles and opinion pieces found in this issue of the APS Forum on Education Newsletter are not peer refereed and represent solely the views of the authors and not necessarily the views of the APS.