FEd Sessions at the 2009 March and April APS Meetings

March Meeting – March 16-20, 2009 – Pittsburgh, PA

Invited Sessions

1. Gordon Research Conference on Computational Physics - joint with DCOMP
2. Informal Science Education
3. Teaching Biological Physics – joint with DBP
4. Student Preparation, What Physicists Do in Industry – joint w/ FIAP
5. University – Science Center Collaborations – joint with FPS
6. Results After One Year of the Doubling Initiative

Focus Sessions

1. The Physics and Astronomy New Faculty Workshops
2. Incorporating Computational Physics into Teaching – joint with DCOMP
3. NSF’s Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) Program: Overview and Perspectives

Sunday Workshop

1. Integrating Computation into Upper Level Physics Courses

April Meeting – May 2-5, 2009 – Denver, CO

Invited Sessions

1. Physics on the Road Conference
2. Teaching About Energy I – joint with DNP
3. Teaching About Energy II – joint with DPB
4. Teaching Physics and the Arts
5. Excellence in Physics Education Award Session
6. Introductory Physics for Pre-Health and Biological Science Students

Focus Sessions

1. Professional Preparation of Teachers of Physics
2. Adopting PER-Based Teaching Methods and Materials

FEd Program Committee

David Bennum (University of Nevada, Reno), Olivia Castellini (Museum of Science and Industry, Chicago), Wolfgang Christian (Davidson College), Peter Collings, Chair (Swarthmore), David G. Haase (North Carolina State University), Theodore W. Hodapp (APS), Ernie Malamud (University of Nevada, Reno), John Radzilowicz (Carnegie Science Center), Thomas Rossing (Stanford University), Peter Shaffer (University of Washington), John Thompson (Univesity of Maine), Larry Woolf (General Atomics)

This article is not peer refereed and represents solely the views of the author and not necessarily the views of APS.