Proposed Revisions to the FEd Bylaws

The FEd bylaws have been in place, with only one amendment, since the establishment of the FEd 20 years ago. Some portions of the bylaws were copied from the bylaws of the larger Divisions and have never been appropriate for a Forum. Other portions have become outdated as the practices of the Society and the FEd have evolved.

In this 20th anniversary year, the FEd Executive Committee is proposing a thorough overhaul of the bylaws to simplify them and bring them inline with current practice. The proposed revisions have been approved by the Executive Committee and by the APS Council of Representatives.

The final two steps in the bylaw amendment process are as follows:
  1. Any member of the FEd is welcome to speak about the proposed revisions at the Forum’s annual business meeting. It will be held during the APS April Meeting in Baltimore on Monday, April 13, at 5:30 p.m. in Room Key 4. This is meeting session V8. All members will be notified by email prior to the business meeting.
  2. Following the business meeting, the Secretary-Treasurer will conduct an electronic ballot. Approval requires a two-thirds affirmative vote by those voting.

Two versions of the proposed new bylaws can be downloaded.

Version 1 shows all proposed deletions and insertions along with comments about the rationale for the changes.

Version 2 is a “clean” version of the proposed new bylaws.