Upcoming 2020 March and April Meeting Activities

Ben Ueland, Chair-Elect

Dear FECS Members,

Ben Ueland
Ben Ueland

As program committee chair for the 2020 APS March and April Meetings, I am excited to inform you about the meetings’ FECS sponsored sessions. FECS executive committee members contributing to organizing the program include Chair Jason Gardner, Past-Chair Maria Longobardi, Secretary and Treasurer Kevin Ludwick, and Member-at-Large Adam Iaizzi.

The 2020 March Meeting will feature the first solely FECS-sponsored invited session which will cover topics in diversity, inclusion, and wellness for early-career scientists. Subjects that will be covered include issues facing minority groups in science, creating an inclusive and welcoming atmosphere, and mental-health wellness challenges facing young researchers. In addition to this session, we are once again cosponsoring sessions with the Forum on International Physics and the Forum on Industrial & Applied Physics. The former session will feature talks by early-career scientists from Europe who have been recognized for their cutting-edge work. The latter session will have a selection of speakers highlighting research careers in industry, national laboratories, and academia, as well as the return of a great presentation from last year about pursuing a career in science communication. At the 2020 April meeting, FECS is solely sponsoring an invited session featuring talks about careers in academia, in science policy, and at government-sponsored laboratories.

Finally, for the 2020 March Meeting, FECS chair Jason Gardner has created a post-doctoral poster competition that features a 500 best poster prize as well as several 100 runner-up prizes. The competition will give young researchers an opportunity to show off their work while networking with their peers. We hope that this will become an annual event, and, depending on interest, we may host a similar contest at the April Meeting in subsequent years.

We are excited for the upcoming meetings and hope that you will find the time to attend the FECS sponsored sessions. Please look for members of the executive committee while traversing the convention center and feel free to stop us to offer feedback, ideas, or just to say hi. See you in March and April!

Ben Ueland is an experimental condensed-matter physicist specializing in neutron and x-ray scattering studies of magnetic correlated-electron materials. He earned a Ph.D. in Physics from the Pennsylvania State University in 2007 for his work examining cooperative magnetic-relaxation effects in geometrically-frustrated magnetic oxides using various very-low-temperature thermodynamic measurements. He joined the NIST Center for Neutron Research in 2007 as an NRC Postdoctoral Associate to learn neutron scattering techniques and became a G. T. Seaborg Institute Postdoctoral Associate at Los Alamos National Laboratory in 2010. In 2012, he joined the Correlations & Competition between the Lattice, Electrons, & Magnetism group at Ames Laboratory located at Iowa State University and is currently a staff scientist there. Some of his recent work includes identifying emergent itinerant ferromagnetism in hole-doped BaMn2As2, examining magnetostructural coupling and itinerant magnetic excitations in various 122 pnictide superconductors and related compounds, and characterizing fragile antiferromagnetism in the heavy-fermion YbBiPt.