FECS Election Results Statement

Raju Prasad Ghimire, Past Secretary/Treasurer

Raju Ghirmire
Raju Prasad Ghirmire

The first general election for the Forum for Early Carrier Scientist (FECS) began on December 18, 2018 and closed on January 18, 2019 and the results are in: Benjamin Ueland of Iowa State University has been elected as chair elect (3-year term), and Eric Sorte of Sandia National lab and Adam Iaizzi of National Taiwan University became members-at-large (2-year term). All began their new terms at the beginning of 2019. The executive committee wishes to thank the elected candidates all who helped to make this election successful.

Ben Ueland
Ben Ueland


Ben Ueland (Chair-elect) is an experimental condensed-matter physicist specializing in neutron and x-ray scattering studies of magnetic correlated-electron materials. He earned a Ph.D. in Physics from the Pennsylvania State University in 2007 for his work examining cooperative magnetic-relaxation effects in geometrically-frustrated magnetic oxides using various very-low-temperature thermodynamic measurements. He joined the NIST Center for Neutron Research in 2007 as an NRC Postdoctoral Associate to learn neutron scattering techniques and became a G. T. Seaborg Institute Postdoctoral Associate at Los Alamos National Laboratory in 2010. In 2012, he joined the Correlations & Competition between the Lattice, Electrons, & Magnetism group at Ames Laboratory located at Iowa State University and is currently a staff scientist there. Some of his recent work includes identifying emergent itinerant ferromagnetism in hole-doped BaMn2As2, examining magnetostructural coupling and itinerant magnetic excitations in various 122 pnictide superconductors and related compounds, and characterizing fragile antiferromagnetism in the heavy-fermion YbBiPt.

Eric Sorte
Eric Sorte

Eric Sorte (Member-at-large) graduated from the University of Utah with a B.S. in Finance in 2002. He spent 4 years working with various business consulting firms and investor groups in South America and the Eastern United States. After deciding to pursue science as a career, he attended Columbia University in New York City, pursuing a graduate degree in physics. He worked with the High Energy Cosmic Ray group developing software for the Telescope Array Project and received his Ph.D. in experimental condensed matter physics in 2011 studying manifestations of quantum chaos under the advisement of Dr. Brian Saam at the University of Utah. He then did postdocs at Washington University in St. Louis and Georgetown University before starting a job at Sandia National Lab where he is today. As a member of the Graduate School Advisory Committee (GSAC), Eric was instrumental in raising the levels of communication between graduate schools in the College of Science by spearheading interdepartmental activities. Eric has been very active in APS organizations, holding positions on the Executive Committees of the Forum on Graduate Student Affairs and of the Four Corners Section before becoming an APS Councilor. After leaving the Council. Eric worked with the Committee on Committees and more recently on the Committee on Informing the Public. As an active member of the APS, Eric has served on various panels both as panel member and host, including several APS webinars. He loves serving in the APS and looks forward to the next opportunity.

Adam Iaizzi
Adam Iaizzi

Adam Iaizzi (Member-at-large) is a postdoctoral research associate at National Taiwan University. He received a B.S. in physics from Ithaca College (2011) and a Ph.D. in computational condensed matter physics from Boston University (2018). During graduate school, Adam was active in student leadership, serving as treasurer and later president of the university-wide Graduate Student Organization, where he successfully advocated for a paid parental leave policy for Ph.D. students and a 75% budget increase for the organization. He also organized events for the women in science group. Within the physics department, Adam helped organize a graduate student peer mentoring program. Off campus, Adam served as a science consultant to Massachusetts State Senator William Brownsberger, where he wrote a report summarizing the latest projections of sea level rise along the Massachusetts coast. Since moving to Taiwan, Adam has gotten involved in science outreach, speaking to junior high school classes about careers in science.

Raju is a graduate student of Nanoscience and Microsystem Engineering at the University of New Mexico. He holds a master’s degree in data science and electrical engineering from South Dakota State University (08/2015-08/2018), USA and graduate degree in physics from Tribhuvan University (01/2008-01/2011), Nepal. His research interests include, but are not limited to, ultra-conductors, composites, energy storage, semiconductor application, and renewable energy.