Distinguished Student Program

Yunseong Nam, Member-at-Large

Yunseong NamWe are pleased to share the good news that the Forum for Early Career Scientists (FECS), in close collaboration with the APS Office of International Affairs, co-sponsored this year’s Distinguished Student (DS) program hosted by the Forum on International Physics (FIP). We also actively helped invite applicants for the DS program, which recognizes outstanding students in any field of physics from around the globe.

The DS program helps promote the budding careers of graduate and exceptionally qualified undergraduate students abroad. The 8-10 awardees of this year’s program will receive financial support for travel to present at either the APS March or April Meetings in 2019.

Nam received his doctoral degree in physics from Wesleyan University in 2016 and is currently a postdoctoral associate in QuICS. His research focuses on streamlining and optimizing quantum circuitries, from a smallest possible single-qubit gate to a macroscopic circuit, such as Shor’s algorithm. His current projects include investigating the error-resistance of a variety of architectures of quantum circuitries whose ideal, mathematical function is the same and determining which architectures to use in a practical, realistic setting when running a certain quantum code on a quantum computer.

DS winners