March Meeting Poster Prize Winners

The Division of Soft Matter will also sponsor March Meeting Poster Prizes for students who present exemplary posters at the APS March Meeting 2020. To be considered, posters must be submitted to a DSOFT sorting category, and the student and the student's main advisor must be members of DSOFT in good standing. A brief application form should be filled out by February 23, 2020.

Judging will be based on the following criteria:

  • Scientific content (validity/importance/interest of results, timeliness, etc.)
  • Overall quality (aesthetics, clarity, etc)
  • Oral presentation/discussion with judges

Winners will be notified at the public DSOFT Business Meeting and will receive their certificate and checks after the March Meeting. Award amounts:

1st place: $499
2nd pace: $399
3rd place: $299

March Meeting Poster Prize Winners

DSOFT had three poster-prize winners at the APS March Meeting 2019.

1st Place
Emergent Dynamics of Paramagnetic Suspensions under Toggled Magnetic Fields
Hojin Kim, Eric M Furst

2nd Place
Granular flow dynamics in a vibrating system from multiple points of view: Laboratory experiments, continuum modeling, and numerical simulations
Daisuke Tsuji, Michio Otsuki, Hiroaki Katsuragi

2nd Place
Foamability of Aqueous Solutions of Charged Surfactants and of Surfactant-Polymer Mixtures
Carina Martinez, Sophia Horowicz, Matthew Wagener, Vivek Sharma

3rd Place
Using Pressure Sensors To Characterize Avalanche Dynamics On A Conical Bead Pile
Katie Shideler, Susan Lehman

Bolded names are the students that won.