62nd Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics
November 9-13, 2020 • Virtual Meeting

Abstract Submission

Deadline: Thursday, July 2, 2020 at 5:00 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time

Thank you for your interest in the DPP annual meeting.

The first author is the primary presenting author and is taken as a representation that he/she is expected to attend the conference. APS members may submit a contributed abstract for which a non-member is listed as first author.

Multiple Abstract Submissions

  • An invited speaker is allowed one additional abstract submission.
  • An author who submits an abstract in a mini-conference is allowed one additional oral or poster contributed abstract submission in a regular session.
  • An author who submits an education and outreach abstract is allowed one additional abstract submission in a regular session.
  • Multiple same first author contributed oral abstracts are allowed one additional poster presentation assigned to a regular session, other abstract submissions by the author will be assigned to the Supplemental Poster Session on Friday morning.
  • Multiple same first author poster abstracts will have one submission assigned to a regular session and all others to the Supplemental Poster Session on Friday morning.

Submit abstracts online on the Submit an Abstract web page.

Select the 62nd Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics and follow the step by step instructions. Log in first using your APS web account. If you are new to APS create your web account. If you’ve attended an APS meeting or are a former APS member create your web account with your APS ID number. Select the abstract format and proceed.

Contributed abstract body text is approximately 1300 characters (about 250 words). Having numerous authors as well as overly long titles, affiliations, and footnotes can push the abstract over the character limit despite being within the limit for the abstract text itself. Review Tips for Writing a Title and Abstract.

To speed up submission know the number of authors and select the appropriate Sorting Category and proofread the abstract.

If you encounter any problems submitting your abstract contact the APS Abstract Help Line (abs-help@aps.org), Monday-Friday, 9:00am to 5:00pm Eastern Daylight Time.

Note: Individuals who apply for membership online should receive an email notification with a member ID number within 1-2 days. If you need to submit an abstract prior to receiving your member ID, please enter Membership Pending. Membership will be verified after submission.

Undergraduate or High School Students Doing Research
There will be a special afternoon poster session, “Undergraduate/High School Research” on Tuesday, November 10. For the eighteenth year, DPP will present an outstanding poster award to a number of undergraduate students. This poster session provides an opportunity for students to present results from summer and thesis research, as well as to meet other plasma physicists, such as junior and senior researchers, and other students.

Undergraduate or high school students should submit their abstracts as contributed posters following the abstract submission procedure as outlined above. To present in the Tuesday poster session please select either the 10.01 (High-school research) or 10.02 (Undergraduate research) sorting category.

Undergraduate and high school students who wish to submit an abstract, submit a provisional place-holder abstract (title, author, affiliation, email) by June 29, and update the submitted abstract by the extended deadline of July 10. Select abstract category 10.01 or 10.02. The presenting author must be an undergraduate or high school student.

If you have questions about the Undergraduate/High School Poster Session, please contact Saralyn Stewart (stewart@physics.utexas.edu).

DPP will waive the registration fee for undergraduate or high school research presenters. Indicate “undergrad” or “high school research” on a downloaded Registration Form, scan it and email it to the APS Registrar. Registrar contact information is listed on the form.

Note: APS offers membership free for the first year for students in physics, related science, and engineering graduate and undergraduate programs welcoming students to the American and International physics community. Students are eligible to join two APS Divisions or Topical Groups. Go to Membership for APS Free Student Trial Membership information.

Contributed Abstract Postdeadline Submission

Abstracts received after Thursday, July 2, and before Friday, October 9, will be assigned to the Postdeadline Poster Session on Friday morning, November 13.

If you have questions regarding postdeadline abstract submission, please contact abs-help@aps.org or Saralyn Stewart (stewart@physics.utexas.edu).