Meeting Presentations

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APS April Meeting 2019

Session H

H12.00001: PROSPECT: Detector Performance and Calibration
Timothy Classen

H12.00003: The CHANDLER antineutrino detector

H12.00004: Validating Inverse Beta Decay Response of PROSPECT with an AmBe correlated neutron source
Ian Mitchell

H12.00006: Test of Decay Rate Parameter Variation due to Antineutrino Interactions
Shih-Chieh Liu, David Koltick, Haoyu Wang, Jonathan Nistor, Jordan Heim, Thomas Ward, Shih-Chieh Liu

H12.00007: High-precision gamma-ray spectroscopic study of the main contributor to the reactor antineutrino spectrum: 92Rb
Elizabeth McCutchan, August Gula, Lemise Saleh, S. Padgett, Nicholas Scielzo, Karolina Kolos, Michael Carpenter, Jason Clark, Christopher Lister, Scott Marley, A.J. Mitchell, Eric Norman, Guy Savard, Alejandro Sonzogni, Shaofei Zhu

H12.00008: Measurement of the U-235 antineutrino energy spectrum with PROSPECT
Benjamin Foust