
Recipient Picture

Thomas Richard Anthony
General Electric Research & Development Center


"For innovations in growing diamond and germanium crystals with unprecedented control of chemical and isotopic purity and perfection, and for creative leadership and active participation in worldwide collaborations based on these extraordinary materials resulting in both fundamental discoveries and new technological applications."


Dr. Anthony received his Ph.D. and MS in Applied Physics from Harvard in 1967 and 1964 respectively, and his BS in Physics and Mathematics from the University of Florida in 1962. He joined the General Electric Research and Development Center in 1967 where he has worked in the areas of interstitial diffusion, radiation damage, solute segregation in solids, thermomigration, electromigration, amorphous metals and semiconductor processing, laser material processing, anodic bonding, high-pressure, high-temperature diamond nucleation and growth and low-pressure chemical-vapor-deposition diamond nucleation and growth.

Dr. Anthony was made a member of the National Academy of Engineering in 1990 and a Coolidge Fellow in 1978. He received the Hudson-Mohawk TMS Distinguished Career Award in 1998, Industry Week's R&D Star Award in 1997 and 1994, the Eastern New York Patent Lawyers Association Inventor of the Year Award in 1994, the Materials Research Society David Turnbull Award in 1993, the American Vacuum Society's John A. Thornton Memorial Award in 1992, Popular Science's Best Product Award in 1993, the US Patent & Commerce Association Gold Medal in 1990 and Business Week's Best Product Award in 1990. He is the holder of 159 patents and has published 183 papers.

Selection Committee:

G Slade Cargill (Chair), John M. Poate, Francis J. DiSalvo, Mildred Dresselhaus (Vice Chair), Ivan K. Schuller