Arthur L. Schawlow Prize in Laser Science

This prize  recognizes outstanding contributions to basic research using lasers to advance our knowledge of the fundamental physical properties of materials and their interaction with light. Some examples of relevant areas of research are: nonlinear optics, ultrafast phenomena, laser spectroscopy, squeezed states, quantum optics, multiphoton physics, laser cooling and trapping, physics of lasers, particle acceleration by lasers, and short wavelength lasers. The prize consists of $10,000 plus an allowance for travel to the meeting at which the prize is awarded and a certificate citing the contributions made by the recipient. The prize will be awarded annually.

Deadline: Wednesday, June 1, 2022  

Contributions Sought to the Schawlow Endowment

Due to the weak return on investments over the last few years, the endowment for the Schawlow Prize has dropped below the level needed to be self-sustaining. To address this shortfall, we are soliciting donations to the Schawlow prize fund. To contribute, go the Support APS Webpage and click "APS Member" under "Contribute Online". Once you log on, select "Schawlow" prize.

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