
Recipient Picture

David J. Wineland
National Institute of Science & Technology


"For an extraordinary range of pioneering studies combining trapped ions and lasers."


WINELAND, DAVID J., B.A. 1965, University of California, Berkeley; Ph.D. 1970, Harvard University (adviser, Norman Ramsey); postdoc, University of Washington, 1970-75 (adviser, Hans Dehmelt); staff scientist, NBS, 1975 - ; Ion Storage Group Leader NBS/NIST, 1979 - ; NBS/NIST Fellow, 1988 - . Fellow, American Physical Society; Fellow, American Optical Society; Member, National Academy of Sciences. E.U. Condon Award (NBS, for written exposition, 1978, 1985); Dept. of Commerce Silver Medal, 1980, for laser cooling (shared with F. L. Walls and R. E. Drullinger); Dept. of Commerce Gold Medal, 1985, for cooled-ion frequency standard (shared with J. C. Bergquist, J. J. Bollinger, and W. M. Itano); 1990 Davisson-Germer Prize (APS); 1990 William F. Meggers Award (OSA); Soc. of Opt. & Quant. Electronics (medal for laser science, shared with Peter Knight), 1996; I.E.E.E. International Frequency Control Symposium, I.I. Rabi Award (for laser cooling and application to clocks), 1998; 2000 International Award on Quantum Communications (shared with Chris Monroe and Paul Benioff). RESEARCH INTERESTS: Laser cooling and spectroscopy of trapped ions with applications to atomic clocks, cold plasmas, and fundamental tests; quantum state engineering with applications to quantum information processing and quantum-limited measurement.

Selection Committee:

William C Stwalley (Chair), David E Pritchard, Carl Wieman ('99 Recipient), Stephen Leone (Vice Chair), Richart Slusher