New Investigator Travel Awards

APS Division of Chemical Physics New Investigator Travel Awards of up to $500 are available for graduate students and for post-doctoral researchers within two years of receiving their Ph.D. to present a paper at a DCP-sponsored symposium at the APS March Meeting. Eligible expenses include reduced rate air fare or car travel, conference registration fee, and economy room and board for the duration of the meeting.

Award Criteria:

  1. The work must be suitable for a presentation at a national APS meeting and must be submitted to one of the DCP-sponsored symposia.
  2. The applicant may not have previously received a DCP travel award.
  3. The applicant must be a member of DCP. Applicants who are not current members may still apply for a travel award, but they must join both APS and DCP before an award check will be issued.
  4. Postdoctoral researchers must be within two years of receiving their Ph.D. at the time of the APS March Meeting.


The applicant should submit the following material in a single pdf file:

  1. A draft of the abstract describing the work that will be presented in one of the DCP symposia at the APS March Meeting. The applicant should state in which symposium the work will be presented.
  2. Name of school, department and faculty advisor, date Ph.D. is expected or has been received, and contact information.
  3. A list of estimated expenses.

The deadline for receipt of applications for travel awards to attend the March 2020 Meeting is October 26, 2019. Decisions will be made prior to the deadline for submitting abstracts to the meeting.

Applications should be sent to:

Zahra Fakhraai

Nominees and award and office holders are expected to meet standards of professional conduct and integrity as described in the APS Ethics Guidelines. Violations of these standards may disqualify people from consideration or lead to revocation of honors or removal from office.