Student Internship Programs and Summer Jobs

This web page contains information about Student Intern programs, summer jobs, etc., in the Four Corners area.

Listed below are Student Intern Program web sites for the three Department of Energy National Laboratories in the Four Corners area.

  1. Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL)
    Los Alamos, New Mexico
    Research Contact: Dwight Rickel, (505) 667-1222

  2. National Renewable Energy Laboratories (NREL)
    Golden, Colorado
    Research Contacts: Satyen Deb, (303) 384-6405 or David Ginley (303) 384-6573

  3. Sandia National Laboratories (SNL)
    Albuquerque, New Mexico and Livermore, California
    Research Contact: David Follstaedt, (505) 844-2102

Links to similar intern programs or summer opportunities at other government laboratories, universities, and industrial laboratories will be added as they become available. To add information to this webpage, contact fourcorners{at}