APS News

Special Features

The Back Page

Scientists Don’t Succeed in a Vacuum. Why Expect This of Graduate Students?
Teachers Have Great Careers. People Think Otherwise Because of Bad Data.
What We Miss When We Focus on Physics "Talent"
Physics in a Diverse World—or, a Spherical Cow Model of Physics Talent
Productive Scientific Discourse Demands Respect
APS Annual Leadership Meeting: Past President’s Address
Misinformation, Equity, and Science
Embracing Instability—and Difference
An Unusual Orbit: The Life and Discoveries of Carolyn Shoemaker
Faculty Response to Remote Teaching During COVID
One Woman's Struggle with Harassment in Physics
Current US Policy on China: The Risk to Open Science
Building Stronger Bridges Between Discovery, Innovation, and Prosperity
A Black Life in Physics
APS Annual Leadership Meeting: Past President’s Address
Lewis Latimer: The Shadow Behind the Light Bulb
Inclusive Mentoring: The Mindset of an Effective Mentor
Language Matters - Writing Effective Letters of Reference
The Scientist as Artist
A Changing Dichotomy: The Conception of the “Macroscopic” and “Microscopic” Worlds in the History of Physics
It’s Not “Talent,” it’s “Privilege”
The Quantum Internet Will Require Bigger Quantum Science
The Increasing Peril of Nuclear Weapons: And How Physicists Can Help Reduce the Threat
Staying Motivated and Productive During COVID-19 as an Undergraduate Student
Scientists Must Intensify Their Commitment to Research Integrity
Moving Physics Courses Online on Short Notice
The Women of Fluid Mechanics: Personal Stories and Practical Advice
50 Years of Physical Review A, B, C, and D
Integrative Design for Radical Energy Efficiency
A Growth Mindset Levels the Playing Field
Can We Inspire Every High-School Student to Take Physics? Texas Nearly Did
Proving Einstein Right: Prologue
Openness, Security, and APS Activities to Help Maintain the Balance
The Future of APS: Engaging Early Career Members for Equity and Inclusion
The Workshop and the World
Striving for Realism, Not for Determinism: Historical Misconceptions on Einstein and Bohm
Impressions from the APS Division of Nuclear Physics Fall Meeting
PICUP: The Partnership for the Integration of Computation into Undergraduate Physics.
Where Would We Be Without Industrial Physics–Today and Tomorrow?
An International Strategy for Serving the APS Mission
Listening to the Skilled Technical Workforce
Building a Better World Through Science Diplomacy
Wanted: More Nobel Prizes for Women Physicists
APS in the #MeToo Era
Quantum Mechanics as a Stimulus for American Theoretical Physics
A Life in Teaching and Turbulence
Labs are Necessary, and We Need to Invest in Them
For SHE’s a Jolly Good Fellow?
Hard Line on Sanctions Harms Science Diplomacy
Early Editorial Practice at The Physical Review
A Tale of Two Anniversaries: 125 Years of the Physical Review and 25 Years of Physical Review E
Doublet Dudes: Shaping the Future of Fusion
Dr. Zwicker Goes to Trenton
The Federal Budget Part Two: A Tutorial and Update on the Fiscal Year 2018 Physical Science Research and Development Budget
The Federal Budget, Part One: Physical Science Research and Development Funding for Fiscal Year 2018 — a Call to Action
A Diverse Leadership Matters
What Life is like as a Scientist in Congress
What is the Evidence?
Cosmic Humility
Physics for the Masses
Phys21 - Physics Education for the 21st Century
The Physics of Skateboarding: Making Science Relevant, Engaging, and Motivational
Celebrating a Century of Optics Innovation – Parallels of OSA and APS
New Terrorism Reveals New Physics
Why Does the Universe Exist?
Conveying Gravity: Communicating the Discovery of Gravitational Waves
How Can Physicists Help the Public Make Better Decisions About Science and Technology?
Nuclear Energy, Global Warming, and the Politicization of Science
Finding Beauty in the Darkness
In the Matter of Minority Physics Students v. Chief Justice Roberts
Is Physics Open and Accepting for LGBT People?
Tunnel Visions: A Brief Comparison of the SSC and LHC Projects
Recruiting High School Physics Teachers
Once More, Into the Breach
Women in Physics: Why so few?
Towards An Industrial Physics Community
A Passion for Problem Solving
Nature Does Not Always Give Us What We Want
Building the H-Bomb: The Big Idea
A Big Tent for Soft Matter
Reflections on the Fifth International Conference on Women in Physics
A Scientist in Hollywood
The Physics of Physics Colloquia
Starting Up But Staying Put
Eureka! Discovering Your Inner Scientist
High-impact-factor Syndrome
The Aikido of Assessment: Redirect Rather than Fight
CERN – Six Decades of Science, Innovation, Cooperation, and Inspiration
Human Rights: Engaging Physics Students and Current Graduates
The APS Corporate Reform Initiative: A Progress Report
Nelson Mandela’s Leadership
International Science Changes the Scientific Discourse
Urban Physics
We Need Undirected Research
Physical Review Applied: Bridging an Artificial Gap
Renewed Focus on Early Career Physicists
At Los Alamos: Learning to Love the Bomb
K-14 Math and Science Education: A Physicist Meets Reality
The Role of Physics Departments in High School Teacher Education
No Evidence LEED Building Certification is saving Primary Energy
APS: Moving Forward in a Rapidly Changing World
Raising the Bar in Physics Graduate Education
Direct Instruction rocks: Or does it?
Fisics and Phynance
Admissions Criteria and Diversity in Graduate School
The Benefits and Risks of Laser Isotope Separation
Inquiry Science rocks: Or does it?
APS and the Challenge of Open Access
Why Communicate Science?
Has the Battery Bubble Burst?
A Cold-War Folly?
Is There a Future for the Advanced Lab?
Emergent Physics at the Mesoscale
Thinking Seriously about Doctoral Education in Physics
Beyond the Endless Frontier: A 20th Century Model faces 21st Century Realities
To POPA: A Former Chair’s Farewell
Ten Mistakes for Physicists to Avoid
The Economics of Education: Closing Undergraduate Physics Programs
A Framework for K-12 Science Education
Fukushima: A Game Changer for Nuclear Energy?
Developing a National Innovation Strategy
The Sanford Underground Research Facility at Homestake–an Opportunity for the United States <br />to Lead Profound Physics Experiments
Can we declare victory in the participation of women in science? Not yet.
The Gulf Oil Spill Commission: An Inside Look
Energy Critical Elements
What I found in Yongbyon and Why It Matters
Rising Above the Gathering Storm, Revisited
Teachers in the Crosshairs: The Impact of “School Choice,” “Reform,” and “Accountability.”
The Grid: Ready for Renewables?
New Worlds, New Horizons in Astronomy and Astrophysics
Invisible Nukes
Enlarging Physics Programs at Colleges and Universities
Improving K-12 science education  
Scientific Fraud (or scientific misconduct if you dislike using the term fraud).
Training Physics Professionals for the Nonacademic Workforce
The APS Register of Historic Sites
Physics for Future Physicians and Life Scientists: a moment of opportunity
Theater Deepens the Vision of Physics
Serving our International Members
The Critical Need for Closer Ties Between Physics and industry
Why We’re Celebrating LaserFest
A Math Paradox: The Widening Gap Between High School and College Math. By Joseph Ganem
Science Diplomacy in the 21st Century
Administrative Burdens Stifle Faculty and Erode University Resources
Evaluating Science or Evaluating Gender?
Why talking to physicists tells you what you can’t hear elsewhere
Putting US Nuclear Complex Under Pentagon Oversight Is a Bad Idea
New Eyes on the Universe: 400 Years of Physicist Astronomers
Tough Times
The Nuclear and Science Paradigm of Pakistan, and Regional Stability
Econophysics and the Current Economic Turmoil
The future of science is about building a better collective memory
Recruiting and Retaining Minorities into Your PhD Program
STEM Workforce Discussion Needs More Data, Analysis
APS, Physics: Aspirations and Goals
The pros and cons of physicists and copyright
Peer Review at the Physical Review
Nuclear Forensics
Physics Tomorrow
A Physicist for President?
The Highest Aim of the Physicist
Boosting America's energy security requires multi‑front effort, new thinking
The "Curse of Knowledge," or why intuition about teaching often fails
Adventures of a Scientist in TV Land
Exploring science education in Pakistan
Reflections on APS and the Evolution of Physics
The Violence of Our Knowledge: On Higher Education and Peace Making
The Strange Tale of the Hafnium Bomb: A Personal Narrative
Climate Change is All About Energy
The human dimension is key to controlling proliferation of WMDs
The Embargo Should Go
The Future of Science is Open (Access)
Sound Science or Sound Bite?
A conversation with Steve Chu and Steve Koonin about the road to energy security.
The Mother (Nature) of All Wars? Modern Wars, Global Terrorism, and Complexity Science
Meeting Our Long-Term Energy Needs Through Federal R&D
Containing Nuclear Proliferation
Charting the Course for Elementary Particle Physics
US Nuclear Threat Can Enhance Stability
Welcome to the Blogosphere
When Worldviews Collide: Science and Religion Face off Again
Congressman Frank Wolf on competing in a 21st century world.
Changing the climate... of public opinion.
The role and promise of physics education research
Intrigues in work collectives: the story of MentorNet
Physics for Development in Africa
Intelligent Design: The new creationism threatens all of science and society.
Looking back and looking forward for the APS
Making the Case for University Research
Senator Jeff Bingaman on maintaining America's competitive edge.
Einstein, Ethics and the Atomic Bomb
Publications and the Internet: Where Next?
Why Johnny Can't Vote
Remembering M. Hildred Blewett
Outreach is an Orphan.
Rebuilding Science in Iraq, One Scientist at a Time
Remembering Oppenheimer: The Teacher, the Man.
Cultural Divide May Imperil Lab's Survival
Navigating Challenges in a Rapidly Changing World
Illicit Trafficking of Weapons-Usable Nuclear Material
Science, Government, and the Public Interest
The Blood-Red Sky of Munch's "The Scream"
Physicists and traffic flow
'Dirty Bombs': The Threat Revisited.
The Impact of Current Visa Restrictions on National Security
Albert Einstein on his 70th birthday.
Energy Department Releases 20-year Plan for New Facilities
Oversupply, Undersupply: Can We Ever Get Workforce Issues Right?
Standing on the Knife-Edge: The Leadership Imperative
Underground Science: The US Effort to Create a Deep Underground Laboratory
Far-Sighted or Foolish? The 20th anniversary of ''A Nation at Risk''
Superconductivity at 93K in a New Mixed-Phase Y-Ba-Cu-O Compound System
The Science of Harry Potter
Can Title IX Do for Women In Science and Engineering What It Has Done for Women In Sports?
An American Physicist Visits Birzeit University
The University and the Laboratory: Can the Marriage Be Saved? UC/Los Alamos Leaders weigh in on the recent controversies.
Speeding up the Long Slow Path to Change
Science, Uncertainty and Risk: The Problem of Complex Phenomena
Tell the Truth About Particle Physics
Ken Krane on what makes for a thriving undergraduate physics program.
U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell explores the role of science in foreign policy.
Physics in Cuba: Partnerships and A Personal Perspective
Land mines an explosive issue that requires physicists' help.
Reflections on the American Physical Society in 2002
Reviewing the status of Black physicists at the DOE labs.
Physics, Homeland Security and the Justice System
The Role of Science in the National War on Terrorism
Daniel Greenberg on science, money and politics.
Galileo and Perspective: The Art of Renaissance Science
Rep. Sherwood Boehlert on why research, education funding must remain federal priorities.
Unity of Physics in Action: Voices from Around the World
Jim Tsang and Craig Davis: It Takes a Real Community to Keep Physics Healthy
T.K. Rogers on the view of physics from high school.
Lawrence B. Lindsey outlines the Bush Administration’s approach to energy, economic growth and environmental preservation.
Science Education is Not Just for Scientists
APS past President James S. Langer calls for APS meetings reform.
The Mathematics of One Person, One Vote
To Pledge or Not to Pledge: An Oath for Scientists?
Physics, Power and Defense in the 21st Century
The New Security Environment
Vermeer's Camera
Stephen Brush on Creationism versus Physical Science.
DOE Office of Science, APS Membership Share Funding Goals
National Missile Defense - Too Important to Rush
Copernicus and the Aesthetic Impulse
David Goodstein on where physics education ought to be headed.
Top twenty technological screw-ups of the 20th century.
The Imprisonment of Dr. Wen Ho Lee
David Moncton on the policy battles around the SNS.
The Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty and US National Security
Is there unconscious discrimination against women in physics?
Roger Highfield on the physics of Christmas.
Balancing National Security Concerns with Scientific Openness
Newly elected New Jersey Congressman Rush Holt explains why in Washington, "facts are negotiable."
Harold Varmus on the impact of physics on biology and medicine
W.K.H. Panofsky discusses the role of nuclear weapons after the Cold War
Physics and the Information Revolution
Freeman J. Dyson explores the science and politics of climate
Authorship credit-Eugen Tarnow discusses results of a recent survey of junior physicists on authorship credit.
Discovering Our Roots: The PhD Lineage Contest Winners
The Future of Graduate Education: The Next 25 Years
A summary of a POPA report on Physics, Technology, and Economic Growth.
Charles Duke of Xerox shares his strategies for getting value from industrial R&D.
Congressman Vernon Ehlers talks about his new science policy report: Unlocking Our Future.
Senator Bill First discusses the importance of science and technology.
Readers respond to Priscilla Auchincloss' May Back page article on Physics and Feminism.
Frank Franz offers his perspective on how to fix academic tenure.
Physics and Feminism
Thoughts on Science, Technology, and Human Well-Being in the Next Fifty Years
Resources for Science and Technology: Investments in America's Future
Liquidating the Cold War: Progress of the HEU Deal
Post Modern Culturalism and Scientific Illiteracy
Doctoral Education: Preparing for the Future
NSF Is Still Making Key Investments in Science and Technology
Points of Derailment: The Making of a Female Physicist
Reforming Graduate Education in the Sciences
The Four Guideposts of Science
Scientists will Build the Bridge to the 21st Century
Results of the APS Physics Limerick Contest!
Debunking Some Myths of Physics Departments, Students and Employment
Science, Politics, and Human Rights: Lessons Learned from Russia
Is Science a Victim of its own Success?
An Alien Ate my Laundry: The Decline of Reason in the Age of Science
The Current Energy Situation: Federal Role Remains Important
A collection of science-related cartoons.
Globalization of Technology Poses Challenges for Policymakers
The Future of the National Labs
Universities and Government - A Shared Commitment
Formulating a Cohesive Science Budget Policy
Resources and Population: A Wager
Cold War Human Radiation Experiments: A Legacy of Distrust
Looking Ahead: It's Time To Defend All of Scientific Research
What Has Happened to Research at Industrial Laboratories?
A collection of his favorite science-skewering cartoons by Sid Harris.
A Changing Environment for Graduate Programs in Science
Is this the End of the Endless Frontier for Science?
Clinton Administration Priorities Hurt Fundamental Science
Mass Destruction Terrorism No Longer Just Theoretical
Current Science Research in the High School Science Classroom