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Donate to the Science Trust Project

Working to Overcome Science Misinformation

Support APS's efforts to train physicists as effective science communicators ready to address misinformation.

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What Is the Science Trust Project?

The Science Trust Project is a pilot initiative designed to address misinformation about science, particularly around climate change, with the long-term goals of:

  1. empowering American Physical Society (APS) members to address scientific misinformation in their professional and personal lives and
  2. developing a better understanding of the impact of our members’ participation in addressing misinformation.

This involves training members in impactful and effective science communication skills—both for online and in-person interactions—and mobilizing members to apply their new skills to take action to prevent the spread of misinformation about science.

How Do We Address Misinformation?

We piloted an interactive, four-part training sequence with a small group of APS members in which participants were presented with the research and techniques for addressing misinformation, as well as provided opportunities for practicing and discussing those techniques with the group. Many are already applying the techniques.
Learn more about the Science Trust Project.

"Science Trust Project provided me with the tools and confidence to engage with others on climate issues.” —Project participant

What Does Your Donation Do?

Support of the Science Trust Project would help expand this work into a multi-pronged initiative that will provide both training and a community of practice for APS members interested in improving trust in science. We plan to iterate and continue to fine-tune the following:

  • enhance existing training that supports our members to engage in conversations around issues facing the physics community, like climate change misinformation,
  • offer webinars and role-play workshops on the topic of climate change misinformation,
  • provide another four-week workshop,
  • create an online portal with a curated suite of resources and activities APS members can engage in to improve trust in science, and
  • host monthly virtual coffee hours for community members to practice skills and share challenges.

Have a Question?

APS's development team can help. Email us at

The next Science Trust Project workshop and other events are expected to take place in Fall 2022. Sign up to receive more information about upcoming workshops and learn how you can get involved.

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Webinar: Addressing Scientific Misinformation

August 23, 2022

Learn More

If you have any questions, please contact