Polymer Physics Prize

To recognize outstanding accomplishment and excellence of contributions in polymer physics research. The prize consists of $10,000, up to $1,500 in travel reimbursement, and a certificate citing the contributions made by the recipient. It is presented annually.

Establishment & Support

This prize was established in 1960 with major support from The Dow Chemical Company. The prize was fully endowed by APS in 2018.

Rules & Eligibility

Nominations are open to all scientists of all nations regardless of membership in the Society or the geographical location in which the work was carried out. The prize shall ordinarily be awarded to one person but a prize may be shared when all the recipients have contributed to the same accomplishments. Nominations will be considered for three review cycles provided the nominator re-certifies the nomination before the next deadline.

Nomination & Selection Process

Deadline: Wednesday, June 1, 2022

The nomination package must include:

  • A letter of not more than 5,000 characters evaluating the qualifications of the nominee(s)

In addition, the nomination should include:

  • A biographical sketch.
  • A list of the most important publications.
  • At least two, but not more than four, seconding letters.
  • Up to five reprints or preprints.

To start a new or update a continuing nomination, please see the Prize & Award Nomination Guidelines.

2022 Selection Committee Members: Mahesh Mahanthappa (Chair), Sanat Kumar ('22 Recipient), Ryan Hayward, Megan Robertson, Timothy Lodge

The membership of APS is diverse and global, and the nominees and recipients of APS Honors should reflect that diversity so that all are recognized for their impact on our community. Nominations of members belonging to groups traditionally underrepresented in physics, such as women, LGBT+ scientists, scientists who are Black, Indigenous, and people of color (BIPOC), disabled scientists, scientists from institutions with limited resources, and scientists from outside the United States, are especially encouraged.

Nominees for and holders of APS Honors (prizes, awards, and fellowship) and official leadership positions are expected to meet standards of professional conduct and integrity as described in the APS Ethics Guidelines. Violations of these standards may disqualify people from consideration or lead to revocation of honors or removal from office.

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