99.1 The Education of Science Teachers

The American Physical Society urges the physics community, to take an active role in improving the pre-service as well as inservice education of K-12 science teachers. Improving teacher training involves building cooperative working relationships between physicists in universities and colleges and the individuals and groups involved in teaching science to K- 12 students. Strengthening the science education of future teachers addresses the pressing national need for improving K-12 education and recognizes that these teachers play a critical education role as the first and often-times last physical science teacher for most students. While this responsibility can be manifested in many ways, research indicates that effective teacher education involves hands-on, laboratory-based learning. Good science and mathematics education will help create a scientifically literate public, capable of making informed decisions on public policy involving scientific matters. A strong K-12 science education is also the first step in producing the next generation of researchers, innovators, and technical workers.

Revision Approved by Council on November 8, 2019 
Adopted by the Council on May 21, 1999
Category: Education

APS Statements

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