93.2 On Behalf of Colleagues at the University of Sarajevo

Archived Statement

As scientists we cannot remain silent nor accept "ethnic cleansing", or any other violation of the basic human rights of scientists and all others who are now victimized by the ongoing brutality in that country.

Our physicist colleagues in Bosnia are in peril, because of the military actions raging. We are appalled at the senseless level of violence, including murder, rapine, and willful destruction of property throughout large parts of the former Yugoslavia which has resulted in the loss of life and property, including the Sarajevo University's Physics building and Laboratories and classrooms it contained. Nineteen members of the Sarajevo Physics Department are scattered in the region: some in Bosnian controlled areas and some in lands controlled by Serbian nationalists. We fear for their lives and we call upon the authorities in control to guarantee their safety. Most urgently we join in demanding of all sides an immediate end to this nightmare and a return to the normal state of life and work.

Adopted by the Council on April 16, 1993
Category: Human Rights

APS Statements

APS Statements are public policy statements that undergo a meticulous process of draft and review, including receiving comments from APS members, before being voted on by APS Council at one of its semiannual meetings.