Contributed Abstract Guidelines

Contributed Abstracts (oral or poster presentations)

APS members may present one technical oral contributed presentation per APS March or April meeting. The presenter must attend the meeting and present the work. Author preferences regarding presentation type and schedule will be accommodated whenever possible at the discretion of the APS Program Committee.

Submitters of accepted abstracts will receive an email notification from APS with an RSVP link. Once notified that their abstract has been placed in the program, it is the responsibility of the submitter to confirm their session date and time, and to request any necessary changes by contacting APS Abstract Help (

Contributed Abstract Guidelines


All APS members and members of reciprocal societies are eligible to submit abstracts. APS members are permitted to submit a contributed oral or poster abstract for which a non-member is listed as the presenter.

Submitting Multiple Contributed Abstracts

Only one contributed oral abstract per presenting author will be accepted into the scientific program. One additional oral abstract of a non-technical (i.e., related to education and policy) nature may be presented at a session of broad concern to the physics community if it is sponsored by an APS Forum or Committee.

Additional technical abstracts will be accepted as poster presentations on a space-available basis at the discretion of the APS Program Committee.

Editing Abstracts

Proofread abstracts carefully and thoroughly before submitting. Contributed oral and poster abstracts are limited to approximately 1,300 characters. Please do not attempt to override the system defaults by introducing your own formatting in your abstract. APS will only correct system-generated LaTeX mistakes and misspellings in the authors’ names or affiliations. APS will not add additional authors or re-order the author list.

Special Instructions for March Meeting: For March Meeting only, you can make edits to your abstract in the system up until the submission deadline.

Withdrawing a Contributed Abstract Abstracts may be withdrawn online prior to the abstract deadline. After the deadline, the submitter must contact APS Abstract Help (

Presentation Time
At the APS March and April meetings, oral presentations of contributed abstracts are given 10 minutes for presentation and 2 minutes for questions. Unit meeting presentation times vary.