Meeting Presentations

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J13.00002: Effects of a new Equation of State on Binary Neutron Star Mergers
Sponsor Unit(s): DGRAV DCOMP
Andrea Endrizzi, Domenico Logoteta, Bruno Giacomazzo, Ignazio Bombaci, Riccardo Ciolfi, Wolfgang Kastaun

J13.00003: GW170817, General Relativistic Magnetohydrodynamic Simulations, and the Neutron Star Maximum Mass
Sponsor Unit(s): DGRAV DCOMP
Milton Ruiz, Stuart Shapiro, Antonios Tsokaros

J13.00004: Spin in binary neutron star initial data
Sponsor Unit(s): DGRAV DCOMP
Antonios Tsokaros, Koji Uryu, Milton Ruiz, Stuart Shapiro

J13.00005: Quasi-radial instability of differentially rotating relativistic stars
Sponsor Unit(s): DGRAV DCOMP
Gabriele Bozzola, Nikolaos Stergioulas, Roberto De Pietri

J13.00006: Study of f-mode Oscillations in Numerical Relativity Simulations of Perturbed Neutron Stars and Highly Eccentric Binary Neutron Star Mergers
Sponsor Unit(s): DGRAV DCOMP
Shawn Rosofsky, Roman Gold, Cecilia Chirenti, Cole Miller

J13.00007: Black hole-neutron star post-merger evolution using viscous relativistic hydrodynamics
Sponsor Unit(s): DGRAV DCOMP
Milad Haddadi