Meeting Presentations

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G13.00001: Gravitational wave searches for ultralight bosons with LIGO and LISA
Sponsor Unit(s): DGRAV
Emanuele Berti, Enrico Barausse, Richard Brito, Vitor Cardoso, Irina Dvorkin, Shrobana Ghosh, Antoine Klein, Paolo Pani

G13.00003: Black hole spin evolution in black hole binaries
Sponsor Unit(s): DGRAV
Riccardo Barbieri, Davide Gerosa, Giovanni Rosotti

G13.00004: Exciting black hole modes via misaligned coalescences: I. Framework and inspiral/plunge worldline computation
Sponsor Unit(s): DGRAV
Anuj Apte, Scott Hughes

G13.00006: Recent progress in the effective source approach to the self-force problem with a time domain code
Sponsor Unit(s): DGRAV
Peter Diener, Barry Wardell, Niels Warburton, Anna Heffernan, Adrian Ottewill