Meeting Presentations

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S10.00001: The LZ Liquid Scintillator Screener Detector
Sponsor Unit(s): DNP
Scott Haselschwardt

S10.00002: Radiogenic Backgrounds in the LUX Xenon and Detector Components
Sponsor Unit(s): DNP
Kelsey Oliver Mallory

S10.00005: Simulating Liquid Noble Gas Purity Monitors
Sponsor Unit(s): DNP
Philip Weigel, Erin Hansen, Michelle Dolinski

S10.00006: 150 mm Cryogenic Silicon Detector Testing and Development
Sponsor Unit(s): DNP
Nicholas Mast, Matthew Fritts, Allison Kennedy, Rupak Mahapatra, Vuk Mandic, Nader Mirabolfathi, Anthony Villano