Meeting Presentations

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D14.00001: An update on the SXS waveform catalog for binary black holes
Sponsor Unit(s): DGRAV
Catherine Woodford

D14.00002: Comparison of Binary Black Hole Initial Data Sets
Sponsor Unit(s): DGRAV
Mark Scheel, Vijay Varma

D14.00004: Transitional precession in binary black hole systems
Sponsor Unit(s): DGRAV
Serguei Ossokine, Lawrence Kidder, Harald Pfeiffer

D14.00005: Massively Parallel Simulations of Binary Black Hole Intermediate-Mass-Ratio Inspirals
Sponsor Unit(s): DGRAV
David Neilsen, Milinda Fernando, Hari Sundar, Eric Hirschmann, Hyun Lim

D14.00007: On choosing the start time of binary black hole ringdown I: Theory
Sponsor Unit(s): DGRAV
Maria Okounkova, Swetha Bhagwat, Stephan Ballmer, Duncan Brown, Matthew Giesler, Mark Scheel, Saul Teukolsky

D14.00008: On choosing the start time of binary black hole ringdown II: Results
Sponsor Unit(s): DGRAV
swetha bhagwat, Maria Okounkova, Stefan Ballmer, Duncan Brown, Matthew Giesler, Mark Scheel, Saul Teukolsky