Meeting Presentations

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B16.00001: Can LIGO measure the spins of nearly extremal, merging binary black holes?
Sponsor Unit(s): DAP DGRAV
Geoffrey Lovelace, Katerina Chatziioannou

B16.00002: Measuring the effective spin of binary black holes
Sponsor Unit(s): DAP DGRAV
Ken K. Y. Ng, Salvatore Vitale, Aaron Zimmerman, Carl-Johan Haster, Katerina Chatziioannou, Davide Gerosa

B16.00003: Systematic Errors and Energy Estimates in Binary Black Hole Ringdown
Sponsor Unit(s): DAP DGRAV
Vishal Baibhav, Emanuele Berti, Vitor Cardoso, Gaurav Khanna

B16.00004: Searching for Eccentric Binary Black Holes with BayesWave
Sponsor Unit(s): DAP DGRAV
Belinda Cheeseboro, Sean McWilliams, Paul Baker, Amber Lenon

B16.00005: Influence of higher-order waveform multipoles for the detection of eccentric binary black hole mergers
Sponsor Unit(s): DAP DGRAV
Adam Rebei, Eliu Huerta, Roland Haas, Daniel Johnson

B16.00007: Numerical simulations of binary black holes for GW170104
Sponsor Unit(s): DAP DGRAV
Carlos Lousto, James Healy, Jacob Lange, Richard O'Shaughnessy