Meeting Presentations

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K15.00001: Theoretical Systematics of Future Baryon Acoustic Oscillation Surveys
Sponsor Unit(s): DAP
Zhejie Ding, Hee-Jong Seo, Zvonimir Vlah, Yu Feng, Marcel Schmittfull, Florian Beutler

K15.00002: Redshift-space streaming velocity effects on the baryon acoustic oscillation scale
Sponsor Unit(s): DAP
Jahmour Givans, Christopher Hirata

K15.00005: There is No Missing Satellites Problem
Sponsor Unit(s): DAP
Stacy Kim, Annika Peter, Jonathan Hargis

K15.00006: The Morphology of Disk Galaxies in Galaxy Clusters with Dark Matter Self-Interactions
Sponsor Unit(s): DAP
Lucas Secco, Amanda Farah, Bhuvnesh Jain, Susmita Adhikari, Arka Banerjee, Neal Dalal

K15.00008: Self Interacting Dark Matter and the Galaxy Core-Cusp problem
Sponsor Unit(s): DAP
Quynh Lan Nguyen, Grant Mathews

K15.00009: Adiabatic Dark Matter Spikes Around Kerr Black Holes
Sponsor Unit(s): DAP
Augusto Medeiros da Rosa, Francesc Ferrer, Clifford Will